Chapter 17

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   A/N: What has been your favorite moments? I'd like to make more of what you like along the plot.

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  "Beomgyu, I'm not saying it looks like you'll burn the chicken but I'm saying it looks like you're going to burn the chicken, please let yeonjun help." Hueningkai watched the blonde boy struggle to figure out how a stove works from over the counter.
       "Beomgyu please?" Yeonjun tried to reach from behind him for the spoon once again. "I don't understand, i watched that youtube video!" Beomgyu didn't understand how cooking was harder than the cooking videos he watched.
      Yeonjun gently grabbed the wooden spoon and beomgyus waist from behind. "You can do it, I'll just help a little." Yeonjun made beomgyus hand stir the diced chicken. Then held his hand to the dial and turned down the heat. "There see? Two steps." Yeonjun smiled seeing the angel stare at the dials for a moment.
      "You can teach me this thing another time right?" Beomgyu felt ashamed for asking, he wanted to know how to cook his own food in the human realm, but couldn't understand hueningkais stove.
      "It's an electrice stove top beom, you watched a gas stove video, and the dials are very different models." Yeonjun turned around to face kai. "Kai would you set the table?"
      Kai nodded and grabbed plates and silverware for the table.
         "How do you know so much about cooking?" Beomgyu asked.
"I watched the last human I had cook. Before I failed and got probation." Yeonjun frowned at the memory.
      "You've never told me about your last mission, youre the only balancer I've ever met who has had two missions." Beomgyu turned to him intrigued.
      "Ouch. Nice way of saying I'm the only balancer you've seen fail." Yeonjun pretended to hold his heart jn pain. "No no..i just wanted to know why you- you don't habe to talk abojt it if youre uncomfortable." Beomgyu was reminded of yeonjun's fragile state the night he went to sleep with him because it was dark.
         "I had a woman last time. She cooked and cleaned for some rich guy....her problem was that she loved him and cleaned for him even though he treated her bad. Didn't even reject her, just kept playing with her. I felt sad for her so i....I tricked the angel assigned with me so that she would- 'stop' him from hurting her." Yeonjun frowned at the memories.
      "Then you got sent back to hell for probation....because she was only balanced by evil..." Beomgyu suddenly put two and two together and felt bad for yeonjun.
     "Dont. Don't pity me, I'm not in probation anymore I won't do anything to ruin Hueningkai don't worry." Yeonjun pulled away and started towards the dinner table.
  "You aren't evil, you tried to get her safe, but as a devil you couldn't make her do anything good, the angel was to blame in my opinion, they should've had more teamwork with you." Beomgyu passed yeonjun with the pot of chicken to take it to the table.
     Yeonjun watched beomgyu walk past him to the table. You really think that?
     "The soulmate to my rice!" Taehyun smiled smelling the chicken and held his bowl out.
"Hold on hold on." Beomgyu set the hot pan on a coaster and served chicken in Taehyuns bowl of rice, then hueningkai, then soobins, and made bowls for himself and yeonjun.
     Yeonjun took the last available seat across from Hueningkai and started on his dinner.

        Soobin couldnt stop thinking of his last talk with Taehyun.
      "You like him don't you"
Did he like Hueningkai? Is that why the x glowed when he answered Kai's question?
    Soobin shook his head. It didn't matter, he shouldn't think that anyways, Angels wouldn't be allowed to love anyone, let alone their human.
     "The foods good beomgyu." Taehyun complimented the angel while eating his food. Beomgyu smiled at this. Yeonjun eyed the two. " I think your food is the best I've ever tasted." Yeonjun slapped himself mentally for wanting to one up a petty compliment.
       "Thank you?..." Beomgyu laughed and finished his food. "So....about this kiss problem Hueningkai." Beomgyu crossed his hands and looked to Hueningkai.
      "Can we not's just a stupid first kiss." Hueningkai hid his face and ate his food looking embarrassed.
      "You could kiss one of us, it doesn't HAVE to be your crush." Beomgyu looked like he had been thinking this for a while.
     All four of the boys dropped their forks and looked at the angel in shock. "NOPE, NO, NO THANKS." Hueningkai shot down the idea real fast.
     Beomgyu frowned. "I can see your mark Kai you can't hide with turtlenecks forever, Taehyun told me what it means is happening." Beomgyu took a more threatening approach to his suggestion.
     Hueningkai was surprised with beomgyus words and covered his nape, making eye contact.
   Yeonjun amd soobin looked towards Hueningkai confused. "im sorry what? What's this about a mark?" Yeonjun raised his eyebrows towards beomgyu.
      "You haven't noticed hueningkais only been wearing turlenecks lately?" Beomgyu responded to yeonjun while gesturing towards hueningkais outfit choice.
      "I just thought he had a lot of hickies from his crush." Yeonjun admitted. Soobin choked on his drink and got up. "Sorry what?"
         They had no idea why soobin was suddenly defensive over yeonjun's guess. "Hickys you know like-" yeonjun was about to demonstrate and Soobin stopped him. "No no I know what they are why In the world  would he have hickies if he hasn't had his first kiss?"
      Taehyun watched yeonjun and Soobin fight back and forth and decided to stop it. "Enough. Spreading marks means that his body isn't cooperating with whoever he's tied to, its putting to much stress on him." Taehyun plugged his ears knowing what would come next.
      "WHAT?!" soobin looked at Hueningkai worried.

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