Chapter 26

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      A/N: Happy New Year readers~ hope it's smooth sailing for you

 .    "I'm so sorry guys I must've forgotten how human hotels work..." Beomgyu faked an apology holding two room keys only.
      "Don't they work pretty simply?" Soobin was confused how beomgyu forgot to book five rooms, or an extra bed at least.
     "I don't mind bunking with someone, it would be weird to sleep alone in the human realm." Yeonjun smiled. He was mostly just excited for the indoor water park he had seen on the way to the 9th floor rooms.
      "I'll bunk with Hueningkai, he doesn't toss in his sleep." Taehyun went to take a key from beomgyu but beomgyu stepped back.
     "Oh don't be silly you can bunk with me! I can't sleep without ...uhm...i need your knowledge of the human world to check out in the morning so you're bunking with me." Beomgyu linked arms with Taehyun. The whole point of him coming here was to let soobin fix the whole first kiss problem- charisma style.
      "I'm staying with you guys too, I don't think I can sleep without another devil in the room." Yeonjun lied. But there was no way beomgyu was going to sleep in a room with someone else by himself after he saw beomgyu flirting with soobin at Kai's house.
      "GREAT! THAT SETTLES IT, GOODNIGHT GUYS, GO HAVE FUN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT AND ILL SEE YOU IN THE MORNING!!!!" beomgyu was starting to worry kai with how sketchy he was being.
      "So....were roommates...." Soobin was already fidgiting. Where was an 'activate game face' button when you needed it?
    "Is that a problem? We're boyfriend's now right?" Hueningkai smiled to soobin and put the key to their room in soobins pocket, he would lose it if he kept it.
      "Let's go to the hot tub first! I heard it's really relaxing!" Hueningkai started walking before soobin could reply. Taehyun said relieving any stress and staying relaxed would be good to relieve the pain from his owner marks. They were knly getting more painful by the day, he didn't know what else to do to fix it. He already had his first kiss.
     "You're a dirty liar." Taehyun sipped his lemonade by the indoor waterpark's poolside, waiting for beomgyu to finish changing.
     "Yah! You know that we need to fix Hueningkai mark problem as much as anyone! How am I to blame!?" Beomgyu stepped out of the bathroom in swim trunks and a swim shirt.
      "Because youre going about it all wrong. Hueningkai should be relaxing and not getting high-strung over anything right now so we can figure out how to fix this." Taehyun glared daggers at beomgyu.
     "NO! We should be trying to fix this! Isnt it obvious?! Hueningkais a teenage human boy! First kisses are supposed to be sexy! That's what it was missing." Beomgyu dipped his feet in the pool to try to adjust, sitting on the edge.
     Taehyun wanted to argue, but saw a rather blue devil shark about to hit beomgyu with karma.
So he kept his mouth closed and enjoyed the show.
      "CANNONBALL!!" beomgyu got hit with a goddamn near tsunami sized wave as yeonjun jumped into the pool.
     Taehyun was now cackling. Oh karma hit him indeed.
     "Im glad you think this is hilarious. I regret ever getting stuck with you devils." Beomgyu swooped his soaking wet bangs from his eyes and stood from the poolside, looking at yeonjun mischeviously.
      "Wait...haha...beomie~ it was a joke....haha c'mon." Yeonjun slowly swam backwards as beomgyu slowly climbed in the water with a water gun from the poolside bin.
      Taehyun jumped in after finishing his lemonade and waded on his back, this was nice, the calm relaxing flow of water, the empty pool just for them, and the sounds of his friends screams of agony as they fought with eachother in the water. Truly tranquil.
       "What is that?" Soobin tried so hard to stop laughing. Soobin expected the dorky penguin trunks but the full surfsuit that went up to his chin underneath? Dang Hueningkai was making the whole 'sexy' thing hard.
      "Hey don't laugh ive had these forever they're much better than your boring blue trunks." Hueningkai took his seat next to soobin in the hot tub. Oh heaven, as soon as he relaxed in the water the seething pain eased. It would take a lot to get him out of the hot tub now.
     Soobin stared at the boy, leaning his head back over the edge of the hot tub, wet hair falling over his eyes. The damn penguin trunks- no he had to ignore them.
     Soobin leaned in towards hueningkais neck, recalling any sexy knowledge he had ever known in his life. Hueningkais mere little whimper in his breath shot soobin straight back to his side the hot tub.
     This was so embarrassing...soobin held his face in his hands. Hueningkai had initiated their first kiss, and nearly all kisses after, every couple thing they had done was hueningkais doing. Soobin kept thag in his mind reminding himself that he couldn't always make Hueningkai start moves, he wanted to surprise the boy too.
      "What are you doing?" Hueningkai saw soobin clenching his fists and making a funny face, like he was fighting himself in his head.
     "Ah, i ....I...I hit my foot against the edge of the tub, you know, ow. Haha...didn't want to yelp or anything. I'm fine now." Soobin mentally slapped himself for looking constipated while thinking.  Hueningkai leant back how he was.
     Soobin admired the little droplets of water falling from hueningkais closed eyelashes, down his pink cheeks, to his neck-
     "Mmf!?-" Hueningkai was pleasantly surprised by a passionate kiss. From nowhere? Ahhh his head was dizzy from the warm water but soobin exploring his mouth made his body feel 10000 times warmer right now.
     Soobin felt the boys hot breaths in between the kiss, and took it as encouragement. Yes. Beomgyu said the hardest part would be initiating a mood, but everything felt so natural now. His body moved on its own, pulling Kai onto his lap, grabbing his hair to taste even more of Hueningkai.
    Hueningkai could feel himself getting worked up, he loved it, it was euphoric feeling, until he remembered he shouldn't be getting worked up or his mark would spread faster.
     "Aa-hmn- Hueningkai didnt know how to stop doing something he was already melting into though. Soobin's gentle nips at his neck kept going down.
     Soobin savored each shaky breath and little noises Hueningkai made, until they didn't seem like they were sounds of pleasure.
      Hueningkai's body burned but not nicely anymore. Soobin's entire mood sank when he saw something red drip into the water.

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