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spencer reid

the team and i stood around the sheet music that casey had just brought in for us.

"for what it's worth, it's beautiful song." garcia inputs through the phone as she runs the scans of his notes on her sheet music and the note that was sent into the precinct.

" is." i sigh, looking over the doodles on the page.

"well we know that he-" hotch begins but is soon interrupted by his cell ringing.

he looks down at the phone, his eyebrows furrowed as he picks up the phone.

"beauliu? is everything-" he stops, his eyes widen as he keeps the phone to his ear.

"hotch...what is it?" morgan asks, leaning forward.

hotch puts the phone onto the speaker, whispering at jj.

"we need to get the jupiter's house now. send units out there." he urges as jupiter panicked voice floods our ears.

she nods, running out and we all follow to run out to the car and i could see justin and julien getting into a patrol car, nodding at me before driving off.

"you know...i used you have a crush on you. but i see you've...moved on."


"shut up! shut up shut up shut up! i loved you. and broke my heart."

"colin please let's just talk about thi-"

"i'm not letting him take you from me."


"you're mine. you belong to me. i know you love me. i can see it. i could feel it. you told me with your song, and that's all i needed."

"colin that song...i got the inspiration from a movie. i didn't write it about anyone. it-"

"no! that's a lie. you're lying. he turned you into a liar, baby. but don't worry. i'll fix it."

"what do you me-"

she's soon cut off and we can hear her screaming and things clattering. my heart aches in my chest and panic fills my body. we speed through the neighborhood streets. at least a dozen sets of sirens going through the street. we hear a loud bang, and second following. this is when the resistance stops, and i could hear her whimpering softly and the sounds of the house alarm blaring through the speakers.

"hotch drive faster!" i yell, banging my hands onto the dash.

"sleep, preciosa. i'm taking you home."

then i hear the phone being slid out of jupiter's pocket, and breathing on the other end. we all exchange looks and hotch brings the phone to his mouth.

"colin. we know who you are. and we'll find you. you won't get away with this. let her go. you love her don't you? don't do this."

there's a short pause and the rage builds up in my chest.

"i'm doing this because i love her. you tell him that his ring is on the table. she won't be needing it anymore." then the line clicks.

hotch simply presses the gas, the brakes squealing as we pull up to the house. we all rush out of the car and i kick down the front door, ignoring the wailing of the alarm as i run into the kitchen, then out back. the back gate had been left open and i run out, only to find nothing but her phone on the ground. the screen now adorned with a small hairline crack on the corner of the screen. everything starts to spin as her screams replay in my head. i told her she was going to be okay. i storm back into the house and my breath gets caught in my throat when i see the head indent on the wall, blood and a piece of her hair stuck to the light blue painted walls. the small droplets of blood leading out the door. her phone clutched in my hands.

"i swear when i get my hands on this sick son of a bitch...." morgan growls.

emily walks over to me, placing her arm on my bicep.

"reid, we're going to find her. don't-"

"i told her she was going to be okay. i told her he wouldn't come here because she never told him about her parents. she knew this was the first place he'd be."

"don't do that, kid. this is not your fault. and we're going to find her. you guys are going to have that spring wedding. and you'll have kids and name them after me and hotch. you hear me? we're finding jupiter, and we're bringing her home. no matter what it takes." derek says, grabbing my shoulders and forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"reid..." jj says, turning her head to me.

i turn to look at her and my line of sight falls onto the diamond ring sitting on the counter. i walk over picking it up and twirling it in my fingers.

"where is she, reid? where'd he take my baby sister?" justin shouts, storming into the kitchen where we were all standing.

"i don't know. but i'm going to find her if it's the last thing i do."

"reid, i need to know that you can stay objective. don't let your emotions take over." hotch says, closing the latch on his gun holster.

"hotch, that's my fiancee. me letting my emotions take over is exactly what's going to save her life. i don't care if i lose my job over it. i'd pick her over this job any day."

hotch pauses for a moment, then nods his head. he then turns to the team and the officers in the house.

"i don't care about the rules. i don't care about protocols. i don't care about anything but bringing jupiter home. we start with obvious places that he might go. reid, did you and bealiu come up with anything in the geo profile?"

i take the map out of my back pocket, my finger tracing lightly over the circles she had drawn and her faint giggles echo in my head.


i clear my throat, shaking away the thoughts in my head.

"sorry. yeah, so it looks like there's only one place that matches with where he's leaving the bodies. and that's this address right here. but jupiter thinks that we're wrong. she seems to think that if he's leaving these bodies as major music hubs, then he must be operating out of the biggest one."

"but we checked the fillmore security tapes, and we couldn't see anything. there was nothing on the tapes. it was like he-" rossi begins before justin interrupts him.

"he knew a blindspot. that's probably because he's an event manager for the venues in town. he knows these venues like the back of his hand."

"guys, he wouldn't take her there. he'd take her somewhere she wants to be. somewhere that makes her happy. typical with stalker cases and erotomaniacs." jj says, looking over the map.

"or somewhere that he thinks would make her happy. they haven't spoken since college. he doesn't really know what makes her happy. he wasn't stalking her. he just let his emotions fester for this long. he must have been his own stressor...that's why it didn't fit the timeline." emily points out.

"let's head back to the precinct. we'll work from there. i'll come back and help you guys clean this up later." i say, turning to julian and justin who had begun absentmindedly picking up the random things that had fallen on the ground.

"promise us you'll find her, spen." julien says, looking over at me.

"promise us that you'll bring her back home alive." justin continues.

i pause for a moment before nodding my head.

"i'd have to die for anyone to get me to stop looking for her."

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