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jupiter aria reid

colin hugh was sentenced to life plus 30 in federal prison for attempted murder of a federal agent, abduction, 6 counts of first degree murder, child endangerment, illegal possession of a firearm, and breaking his bail agreement. and adrian was nearly charged with murder after hearing about what had happened. but now, i was home and safe with my son who was currently laying on his play mat as i finished packing up the lunches in the wicker basket, singing disney songs.

"let's say we go visit daddy and all your aunties and uncles, huh?" i smile, leaning down and picking him up from the mat.

he coos at me and i nod my head.

"good idea, we probably should bring utensils."

after placing my son in the car, i packed up the basket in the front seat and drove off to the building, making casual conversation with my infant son in the backseat.

"you know, if past mommy saw mommy now, she'd think i was crazy." i giggle as the frozen soundtrack plays through the car.

once we reach the building, i park in my usual spot and grab the stroller from the trunk and attach his carseat to the top then place the basket in the bottom section. i lock the car, and continue humming the frozen songs as i make my way into the building, pointing out everything to apollo.

"and that's roger, can you say hi?" i gush, pointing over to the older man in the front lobby.

he gasps, coming around to peek into the stroller.

"oh hello baby genius!" he smiles, reaching down and ticking apollo's stomach.

"ah, this is for you." i smile, pulling out a sandwich box from the basket and handing it over to roger.

"oh, dr. reid. you're too kind." he gushes, bringing me into a short hug.

"i have to make up for my husbands lack of social skills." i sigh, making him laugh.

"alright, have fun up there you two!" he exclaims as i make my way into the elevator.

i wave goodbye and hit the fourth button, tapping my foot impatiently. the elevator dings and i excitedly make my way into the bullpen, leaning into the carriage to talk apollo through everything.

"-and that's mommy's office. uncle drew is probably in there right now, and look! it's daddy!" i yell out, making spencer's head turn up towards up.

a wide smile displays itself on his face as he walks excitedly over to us, wrapping an arm around my waist and pressing a kiss to my lips. apollo lets out a loud babble, making us pull away.

"i didn't forget about you." spencer gushes, pulling his son out of the carriage.

the team makes their way towards us and i'm greeted with many hugs.

"what're you two doing here, mama?" derek asks as he pulls away.

"oh! i brought you guys lunch." i smile, reaching down to hold up the basket.

emily gasps, taking the basket from me and opening the top.

"lasagna? i'm in love with you. divorce your husband. we'll raise apollo on our own." she says, a serious expression on her face.

i let out a loud laugh and spencer pouts.

"you want to take my wife and my son? seems a bit excessive."

"did you want her to only take your wife?" jj laughs, leaning in to rub apollos little nose with her finger.

"i'd rather she take neither and find her own wife and child." spencer says, furrowing his eyebrows.

eurydice // spencer reidWhere stories live. Discover now