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spencer reid

"she's been gone for four and a half days now. every lead we've had has hit a dead end. garcia found nothing on properties purchased in cash. we can't find the new car anywhere. he hasn't been seen anywhere since he took her. he dumped his cell. there's absolutely nothing in his old house. i don't know where to look anymore."

"reid, you gotta calm down kid. go home. get some sleep. seriously. we need your brain sharp and ready and you can't do that unless you get some sleep."

"i'll sleep when she's back home sleeping next to me, morgan. until then, i'm spending every waking moment searching for her."

"he's not going to kill her. but not sleeping like this, will kill you. don't worry about her, worry about yourself right now. you're not in the right mind." rossi inputs, making the rage burst through my chest.

"you don't even like her, rossi. from the moment she met you she's felt like you've been trying to snuff her out. she's tried so hard to get you to like her, to even tolerate her, yet you seem to only want to brush her off like she's nothing. she's the only person on this team that you don't give a damn about, and that's fine. but you don't get to tell me not to worry about her. you don't get to tell me that i'm not in the right mind. just because you'd rather sit by the hotel pool and risk letting her die just so you could have some rest and relaxation, doesn't mean i will." i scoff, before hotch leans over, grabbing my arm.

"reid. go back to the hotel. sleep. we know that he's not going to hurt her. he's far too invested in her to do that."

"he may not beat her, but there's no telling what he's doing to her right now. but she could be sitting in some cold basement somewhere and he's got his dirty hands all over her. she's the love of my life, hotch. she's the only girl that i'm ever gonna get. anyone on this team could tell you that girls were never my strong suit. but somehow i managed to get someone like jupiter to fall in love with me, and i let her slip through my fingers."

"you can't keep blaming yourself for this, reid. it wasn't your fault. you had no idea." emily sighs.

"she told me, emily. she knew that her parents house was the first place he'd go. for gods sake, statistically it'd be the first place he'd go. yet i was dumb enough to leave her there alone. and now look at us. sitting in this station, with no leads, no clues, and no jupiter."

everyone stops, looking at me with parted lips and wide eyes. justin stands, walking over to me and grabbing my arms.

"spencer. you, me, and ugly over here know jupiter better than anyone in this room-"

"hey!" casey and adrian complain in sync, making justin roll his eyes.

"did you just call me ugly?" julien asks, turning his head to his twin brother.

"yeah. dude, you're so ugly."

"we have the same face."

"guys, not the time." adrian sighs.

"we know her better than anyone in this room. we are the leads. we are the clues. and all three of us know that first of all, she'd want us rested and ready. and second of all, we know what makes her happy. we know how she thinks. we know where he thinks she'd want to go."

i look between justin and julien, sighing and nodding my head.

"yeah. okay."

everyone smiles, and nods their heads, gathering their things. i throw my bag over my shoulder and begin walking out the door when rossi grabs my arm.

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