Love on the Battlefield

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Delta's POV

Dimflight and I were working alongside the other dragons. Freeing the ones still in the cages and battling against Grimmel's and Drago's men.

I was locked in battle with one of Grimmel's top commanders. Dimflight was battling a Deathgripper.

My axe was locked in with his. He was stronger than me and was slowly gaining ground.

Ugh! I hate having to use this move. But Oh well it's war.

With a thrust upward I rolled sideways and dropped my axe. Picking up a sword in the process. 

The commander fell over and I knocked him out.

Dimflight had won her battle and the Deathgripper was now unconscious.

I quickly put a muzzle on the Deathgripper and put it in a cage while Dimflight moved all of the unconscious people into another one. I locked it.

"Next ship?" Dimflight asked. I nodded. I picked up my axe and Dimflight swept me onto her back.

We were flying over a couple of ships when I saw Darkstar.

My eyes widened as I saw that he was cornered and was against about 10 people, at least half were high ranking. He opened his mouth for a plasmablast but nothing came out.

The men seemed to realize this and charged, but not before I was on the deck behind them with a blast already shot. My eyes held rage in them that I didn't know I had in me.

"Leave him alone," I said with a voice that didn't seem like mine. A voice that was so calm that it could kill.

I took a step forward and the remaining men left standing all raised their hands and dropped their weapons.

I was tempted to blast them but noticed a cage just to the side. I nodded at them and towards the cage, all the while I was still growling menacingly at them and giving them a death glare. They seemed to understand and all went in the cage. 

I shut the door and returned to human form to lock it.

I turned and saw Darkstar gaping at me.


He seemed to realize because he shut his mouth, "Why did you do that?"

I looked down at my feet which were still human and I turned red as a tomato. "BecauseIloveyou," I mumbled in an incredibly quiet voice which was the exact opposite of how I'd been but a minute before.

He tilted his head and looked confused as if he hadn't heard me correctly. I turned away. Sure that he was going to bite my head off.

"Because... you love me?" He asked as if he couldn't believe it. Well, no point hiding the truth anymore. So, I nodded.

I heard him stand up and walk over to me. Bracing myself for whatever was sure to come. Likely death.

I saw his wings wrap around me and pull me closer to him. "Well, it's a good thing that I love you, too."

I looked up and turned around, shocked. I looked him in the eyes, expecting to find a lie there. Expecting to find something that would tell me whether he didn't mean it. Looking for any sign. All I found though, was the truth. Pure, undiluted, truth. 

He wasn't lying he truly loves me back.

I flung my arms around his neck and he wrapped his wings around me tighter. I didn't know how long we stood there, but it felt like an eternity. And when we had to leave it felt like it had been too short.

"Hey, are you two done yet? Cause we have company!" Dimflight shouted.

I shifted back into a Night Fury. Then I saw three Deathgrippers come. I was prepared to fight when I saw Grimmel on top of one. The sound of breathing caught my attention. I let my eyes look up and I saw Peace on the mast.

"Well, well, well... Two Night Furies, a night-black Stormcutter, and a..." Before I could blink he shot a dart straight up and Peace hit the deck. "Light Fury." I felt a blast build in my throat, ready to kill him when he took out a knife and pressed it against Peace's neck. "Move and she dies."

I couldn't let that happen. Not now that she was with egg.

"Don't!" I shouted at the other two. They looked at me and saw fear in my eyes. They understood and backed down.

Grimmel fastened something around Peace's head. He whistled and three more Deathgrippers joined him.

Peace woke up and her eyes were in slits. As if... No! No! This can't be happening.

Grimmel jumped on her back, whistled again and the Deathgrippers advanced as he flew off. So this is how he killed the Night Furies and Light Furies. By knocking them out temporarily or by getting his Deathgrippers to do it.

"Darkstar, go after him!" I said.

"What? No!"


He glanced back again and then nodded and took off. A Deathgripper tried to follow him, but I tackled him. 

Another two Deathgrippers joined our scuffle while the other three engaged Dimflight.

Dimflight and I were steadily losing ground. I mean three against one are not good odds. We did our best to keep them distracted.

After about 20 minutes of fighting, I realized something. I started pulling lightning towards me sending electricity down my scales. Two of the Deathgrippers tackled me and went flying. Knocked out by the electrical current I sent through them. Then I was invisible.

The third Deathgripper looked around nervously. Wondering where I had gone. I silently tackled one of the Deathgrippers attacking Dimflight. I knocked her out as well.

"Really, Delta? You couldn't have done this 15 minutes ago!" Dimflight shouted as I reappeared. The remaining Deathgrippers were staring at me in shock. They'd never seen a Night Fury do that before.

The recovered quickly and were less tired than we were. I was about to try and pull my lightning trick again when a Skrill's lightning blast struck them all. We shoved them all into cages as Storm flew down and joined us.

"Glad you could make it!" I told her.

"Sorry, it took so long. I was caught up with a couple of other Deathgrippers myself. Every dragon is free. We have control over all of the boats. Every man is in a cage. But... No sign of the Fury Killer or Dragon Conqueror."

"Great. I guess, Grimmel and Drago have slipped through our talons again." I sighed. "At least, they don't have an army anymore. And Grimmel has no more Deathgrippers."

"Delta!" Stormfly, called.

"You need to come we've found Drago!" Astrid shouted.

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