The Mist Disperses

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1 year later (Just because this story is stuck in a loop and I already had a set plan so.)

Eclipse's POV 

"It's Spring! It's Spring! It's glorious Spring!" I sang as we flew in another aimless direction.

"Shut up!" Mr. Fury yelled.

"I shan't Mr. Party-pooper." I declared and started singing again.

"Oh come on, Mr. Desperately-in-love! Just enjoy yourself for once!" Mist shouted at him over my singing.

"Oh, not you, too! It's bad enough when that she-beast calls me these things, don't you start, too!"

"Hey! I'm not a she-beast! I'm a highly distinguished Night Fury!"

"Oh! I am so sorry, your highness! Where do you rule? Wait! Let me guess! The Kingdom of She-Beasts? Or is it the Royaume of Trickery and Evil? I wouldn't be able to tell." He fake-mocked me.

"Hey! Stop that! She's not evil! She's per-etty adorable!" I glanced at Mist. Lately, she's been acting weird around me. Like not the adorable kind of weird when she makes a mistake. It's like she wants to say something, but can't. She keeps defending me even when I know that I'm annoying her. Or starts saying something then says something entirely different. I mean what is up with this per etty adorable.

"Is something wrong, Mist?" I asked.

"NOooo. Why would you think that?" Okay, that was weird. Why did she say no like that?

"Because you've been acting weird."

"No, I haven't!" She said quickly. "You have!"

"I agree with both of you on this one."

"See- Wait! What? I have not!" I said and Mist stuck her tongue out at me.

"Yeah, you have."

"Name one weird thing that I've done."

"You have been casting glances at Mist like every ten seconds." Mist stuck her tongue out at me again as I looked down in embarrassment, "And, you, Mist. You've been defending Eclipse even when she is clearly annoying you." Now Mist was looking down. "Would you two like me to drop back while you discuss this?"

"What? No! We're fine!" Mist and I said together.

"You sure?"

"Yes! Positive! Right, Mist?"

"Oh definitely!"

"Okay, suit yourselves. But just saying, you bicker as much with each other as two mates."

Mist and I looked at each other and quickly looked away, "What? No! I don't like her like that!" I shouted. Do I? No! Maybe? What definitely not! We're more like sisters! That's it! We're sisters! "We're more like sisters!" Mist nodded vigorously. While Mr. Meanie-butt shook his head in amusement. "Well, it's true! We are pretty much sisters!"

"Keep telling yourselves that. But, trust me life is so much better when you admit you like someone. Take me and Astrid for example. I denied the fact that I liked her and if it hadn't been for my sister than I never would've told her and I wouldn't have a to-be-mate."

"Wait! Did you just say that you have a sister?" Mist asked. He nodded and then the information seemed to register because his jaw dropped.

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