Hiccup's Alive

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Astrid's POV

I don't know what had happened, but I had fallen off of Stormfly and was now trying to open up my wings so I wouldn't fall to my death.

When Stormfly finally caught me I saw an equally shaken up, familiar-looking Snifflehunch. It wasn't until I saw the rider that I realized who it was.

"Rowan! What, in Thor's name, are you doing out here?"

"Umm... same as you."

"Looking for Hiccup? Really? I thought you were among everyone else and thought he was dead."

"Well... I was... And then..." He started rubbing the back of his neck, "I found him."

My eyes widened. I glanced back at Heather to confirm if I'd heard correctly.

"You what!?" We shrieked at the same time.

"Well, I went to Berk to get something that Hiccup made me and then he showed up in his dragon form with another two females, one a Light Fury the other a Night Fury... And no Astrid neither of them are his mates, the two females became mates before they left. Anyway, I thought he was dead so I didn't recognize him until he left because of a picture I have of him. So we were trying to catch up and lost the trail." I stared at him in shock and I felt the tears running down my face.

"Thank you! Gods! Thank you!" I shouted as loud as I could.

"Astrid! That means that those sightings from before actually were of him! Astrid, this confirms everything! He's alive! The Gods gave him a second chance!"

"Well! What are we waiting for? Let's go find him!" The dragons shouted.

2 months later

We'd flown towards where I'd felt my heart pulled. A few days ago Forestflame had caught the scent of Hiccup and the two other Furies.

"Wait!" I suddenly shouted.

"What?" Rowan and Heather asked.

"I just realized something..."

"And?" Heather asked.

"I feel like we're gaining on them. We shouldn't be, though. They should be pulling ahead." Rowan and Heather shared a glance.

"We have been getting closer. The scent has been getting stronger." Forestflame confirmed.

I frowned, "So if we're getting closer..."

Heather finally picked up where I was going with this, "Then something happened to slow them down."

Rowan paled, "What are you suggesting?"

"Well, that depends on one other thing. Forestflame, how many scents can you pick up?"

He took a minute and I watched his eyes widen, "Two."

Now it was my turn to pale, "Hiccup's?" I asked nervously.

He shook his head.

1 week later

The Furies' scents kept getting stronger until we saw a fleet of ships, probably thirty strong.

Then I crashed into something.

"Ack! Not again!" I shouted. Luckily we straightened out rather quickly.

The thing we crashed into turned out to be a female Light Fury because she appeared and so did a female Night Fury.

"Woah! Umm... Hello. I'm so sorry. Who-" I started.

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