Setting sail

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Rowan's POV

What could have been so bad that she was in this kind of state?

She sighed, "He wants me to be chieftess. But, I don't want it. I only wanted it before because I couldn't stand the thought of dragons continuing if I could do something about it. It should be Hiccup's anyway."

I stared at her, "Really!? All those years you only wanted to stop the fighting not actually be in charge of the village?"

She nodded.

After a few minutes in awkward silence, Delta said, "I'm going to go finish something. And I'll tell dad that I'll lead the armies."

She landed gracefully on the back of Dimflight and fly back to Berk.

"Well, your sister is and forever will be an untamable fire."

"Why do dragons always compare things to fire?"

"We don't. I just have a preference for using fire as a metaphor over sea metaphors."

"Oh well, you're right. She is untamable. I pity whoever decides they want to be her wife."

"I pity them, too."

"Although, she's right. Hiccup should be the chief. I don't want it. I'm not very good at making decisions and Delta, I think she's too fiery. She'd terrify everyone or never listen to anyone. Hiccup is just. He's confident, he makes quick decisions, he's had plenty of battle experience, he's compassionate, he wants peace. He's the best of everyone."

"You'd make a great chief. Although I agree, Delta has too much fire. But, Hiccup, he is not perfect, no one is. He just has less trouble being himself and even if he has a lot of training in every weapon, and is strategic he lacks the strength most of you are born with. And he second-guesses himself more than you realize."

"How do you know these things?"

"It was just something I picked up on it every time he visits. He's smaller than a lot of people, he seems to notice that and I felt his anger at himself while you read the letter to me. He's in pain and sometimes when people are in pain they don't know when to stop."

"I hope he's okay."

"Me too."

The Next day

It was morning and I heard the Horn sound, signalling that we were about to set sail. I walked downstairs and was met with Delta in armour that is black as night and some gold scales crowning her helmet.

I stared. 

"Is it bad?"

"Bad? No. No! It's amazing! When did you make it? Are those scales? Night Fury scales?"

She smiled sheepishly, "I made when we first got word from Hiccup. It took one week. And yes these are scales, my scales to be precise. And it's fire-proof. But, look!" She spread her arms and there were wings.

"A true dragon princess." She laughed.

"While I'm glad you like it because I made you one, too." She pointed to my room. "Go try it on!"

The suit she made me wasn't black. It was forest-green with red splashes, made out of scales, I recognized to be Forestflame's.

When I walked outside. I found that Delta was seated on Dimflight shouting orders.

The gang was all mounted and were in their own dragon scale suits.

"Rowan, hurry up. I need you to gather all of the Tracker class dragons behind you. Fishlegs you get all of the Boulder classes. Snotlout Stoker class. Twins Mystery class. Sharp class, Strike class, and Tidal class, behind me in groups by class."

All of the dragons and riders followed her orders. After everyone was in place she started moving everyone around evenly. "These are your squadron leaders. You will report to them if you have a problem. Squadron leaders, I expect you to report to me for any issues that you can't solve by yourselves. Furthermore, I need all leaders to update me. These instructions go for both humans and dragons alike. IF you want to change squadrons, don't come whining to me. This is war and not a daycare."

She jumped off Dimflight and walked towards Gobber. He nodded reassurance and she jumped back on Dimflight. "Okay. Is everyone ready?" She got a viking war cry in response. "Then move out!"

All of the dragons jumped into the air at the same time. Causing a dust cloud to form. The wind also pushed the few ships we were taking at full speed away from Berk. The ships were pulled by Snowstorm who was helping us reach the Hidden World faster.

We'd been going for a half-day when Delta called to us to keep a steady pace and sped up.

Five minutes later she was calling the leaders to meet her upfront. 

"Well, I have good news and bad news." She declared.

"Okay? What's wrong?" Fishlegs asked.

"Well, I just received a letter from Astrid. They are waiting for us to come to the Hidden World. But, Hiccup's gone into a bit of a rage at the moment. He's been-" She stopped. Then handed the letter to Fishlegs.

Fishlegs gulped.

"What is it?" I asked.

He silently handed me the letter. 

'Dear Delta, 

Hiccup knows that I'm writing to you. He just doesn't know everything I've said. Firstly, we are waiting for you to be ready to leave. Please send a message as soon as possible.

Secondly, we are going to send a scout to help you circle around Grimmel's fleet of ships which is directly between Berk and the Hidden World. I realize that you were probably planning on using your former captives as guides, but we've been keeping an eye on the fleet and it's been growing.

Thirdly, Hiccup. Hiccup is in a rage right now. He is, It's bad. I'm the only one who can get him to stop training. To stop making weapons. To actually rest. He blames himself for what happened to Toothless for not finding Toothless. I don't think the whole world could stop him from seeking vengeance. 

I hope you are ready soon because Hiccup is growing impatient and I fear he'll leave before you get here.

Lots of love, Astrid.'

"This is bad. This is really bad." Delta nodded her agreement.

Delta spoke with the messenger while Snotlout and the Twins read the message and I reported to Stoick. It's a good thing all of Berk is going to the Hidden World. All of the children will be safe there if we don't win. 

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