Seeing you again

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Astrid's POV

"Honestly, I don't know. I lost my memories from before. I remembered some things, but not a lot."

"What'd you forget?"

"Everything except that I had a brother named Toothless and he is the king of dragons. 'Bout a year later I saw some Nadders doing a mating dance and I remembered you and that you were my soon-to-be-mate. What did I miss while I was gone?"

"Well, do you remember Streak?" He shook his head, "Well he is your adopted brother. He and his mate, Peace, a Light Fury, had eggs and two children. One male, one female, called Shadowfrost and Stardust. 

"Toothless and his mate, Sky had a female called Dreamchaser. Those three are four years old. Your sister, Delta-"

"I have a sister called Delta?" I nodded, "Tell me about her."

"Well, she's your blood-sister. She's the dragon princess and was born human, like you and can turn into a Night Fury."

"Wait, wait, wait... I am the dragon prince, was born human, and can turn into a Night Fury?"

"Precisely. Anyway, as I was saying, your sister has red hair and blue-grey eyes her Night Fury form is like yours except she has grey spots on her wings. About a year and a half ago she became mates with Darkstar. Who's apparently cousins with Eclipse..."

"You know Eclipse! How is she? How's Mist? Who else is captured?"

"Woah, Woah, slow down! Mist and Eclipse are fine. At least they were before we just tried to rescue you."

"Wait... How do you speak so much dragonease? I only taught you like ten words."

"I've been looking for you for the past five years! Stormfly was teaching me."

"Okay. What else happened while I was missing?"

I explained everything while leaving out the fact that Toothless had given up on him, "What about you?"

"Well, the first year, I didn't remember anything besides Toothless's name. The last four years I've-" He was cut off by Viggo walking in.

"Dragon Lady. How nice to see you again." I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, down to business. Why were you attacking a fleet of 30 ships?"

"Why should I tell you?" He drew a knife and sliced my arm and I hissed in pain.

"That's why." 

"Touch her again and you die." Hiccup growled.

"Not now." I hissed at him.

"Yes now! He hurt you! Drop the knife now!"

"You're making this worse!" I growled back.

"Ahhhh... SO that's it." I made sure to keep my face neutral even though I was shocked.

"What's it?" I asked innocently.

"Why you growl. Please, tell me what he said."

"I don't know what you're talking about." 

He pointed the knife at me again and said, "You know what happens when you lie."

"Stay away! Get back! I'll make you pay!"

"Hiccup, shut up!" Then I realized what I had just said and my eyes widened. I'd just told them about Hiccup. I'd verified that I could understand what he said. Those three words had doomed us both.

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