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???'s POV

"Ugh! Must you always sleep on me?" I asked Mist and Eclipse.

They rolled off me and laughed.

Eclipse said, "Yes, we must Mr. Impulsive."

"I was not impulsive. She's my to-be-mate and I promised I'd always find her,"  I said while stretching.


I stared at the edge of the cliff. With one last look behind me and a sigh, I spread my wings and took off.

I was completing one finally circle of the haven when I bumped into Eclipse and we crashed into the snow on the ground. When Eclipse poked her head above the snow she called, "Found him!"  And soon Mist appeared.

"You can't stop me. I'm leaving. I have to. She's out there looking for me and I need to find her," I told them while shaking the snow off of my wings.

"We weren't trying to stop. Eclipse wants to meet other Night Furies and I want to explore. We've been stuck here practically our entire lives and we're ready to test the waters."

"Wait... You don't want to stop me?" They nodded their heads. "You want to come with me?" Again they nodded. "Are you 100% positive you want to come with me? I don't think I'm ever coming back here."

"Stop trying to convince us to stay. LET'S GO!" Eclipse yelled and whacked snow at me.

"Haven't you thrown enough snow at me already?" I asked her.

"NEVER!" She yelled back throwing even more snow at me.

I sighed shook the snow off and started the trip home.

*end of flashback*

I stood at the edge of the cave we'd slept in and looked out at the sea. A sudden flash of memory hit me.


I stood at the edge of a cave and I was staring at the ocean, but this time it was filled with ships. Hundreds and hundreds of ships. I felt such rage pumping through me. Rage at the people who took my brother. Rage at the gods. Rage at the world. Rage at myself for not being able to stop it.

I prepared for my second attack run. Bunching up to shoot straight out of the cave and onto the nearest deck. I jumped out of the cave-

"Hey, Mr. Stare-at-the-open-ocean! We're leaving!" I heard Eclipse's shout and it shattered the memory. I shook my head to rid myself of the shards of memory that clung to me.

"Sorry! I'm coming!" I shouted back.

What was that? Why would I try to single-handedly take on dragon hunter ships? Why was I filled with rage at everything? Why was I raging at myself?

Mist's POV

I looked back at the Night Fury with a worried expression on my face which I quickly covered and put back to neutral. He was staring straight ahead, unseeing with confusion written all over his face.

I dropped back to fly beside him while Eclipse continued to do little tricks in the air, I smiled at her, again getting that warm feeling inside me whenever I was near her.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked him. 

It took a moment for my words to register because he said, "Huh? What did you say?"

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