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???'s POV

I watched to sunrise and felt a strong connection start to pull me North. The pull was fading quickly, but I remembered to go North.

"Why do you always get up so early?" Eclipse asked.

"Because every day I feel like I've missed something that would change my life. Like the birth of a hatchling or someone becoming mates with another. I sense a pull North I don't know why, though. It's a different presence than Astrid's."

"Great here we go again. Another long flight to who-knows-where." Mist stated.

3 days later

We'd been flying steadily North for a few days when I felt Astrid's presence again. This time East. Half the time I felt as if we were flying in circles and never had a single fixed point in mind.

I changed course towards my to-be-mate.

"Ugh! Stop changing courses all the time! We've passed that island, like 1000 times!" Eclipse complained.

I debated flying North again but ruled it out when I thought of flying towards Astrid.

That night I hung upside down from a tree, "You know. I'm sorry I dragged you two onto this trip. Sometimes I feel like I'm going in circles and will never find my way home."

"Dragged us onto this trip? You tried to make us stay. You asked us if we were sure we wanted to come." Eclipse scoffed.

"Besides that, we want to make sure you find your way home. We've both lost our entire family we wouldn't want that to happen to anyone else." Mist explained and Eclipse nodded.

I smiled at the two of them. My only friends.

2 months later

Delta's POV

I woke up beside my mate, Darkstar. Most people knew by now that we were mates. And I swear the only exception right now was my dad. I rolled my eyes and sighed before attempting to stand up.

"Don't get up yet," Darkstar grumbled while pulling me back towards him with his wing.

"Oof! But, I'm hungry." I said after falling onto my side.

"Ten more minutes."

"Fine, but I'm starving. I could eat an entire flock of sheep right now."

"Okay, okay, okay! I'll get you some fish!" He shouted as he got up. I stretched.

"Thank you."

We sat together for breakfast after Darkstar caught a giant pile of fish.

"I'm going to talk to my dad today."

"What about?"

"That we're mates."

"You haven't told him yet?"

"Mom tried, but he wouldn't listen. Then I tried the next day and he still wouldn't listen. Now he's trying to set me up with this dude called Magnar."

"Who is this Magnar?" He said with annoyance.

"Relax! I hate him. He's rude, annoying, constantly in my face, and is always asking me out. Just don't torch him, my dad, would not be happy." 

"Fine, but if he ever gives you trouble teach him a lesson."

"Don't worry, I will."

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