Chapter 11: Rescue

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You were sitting on the couch, Marie and Callie were each using a shoulder to use as a pillow. As they were sleeping, you thought about the past three months. From arriving, meeting the girls, awakening to your Persona, getting in a relationship with said girls.

But you also thought about what happened a few nights ago.

When Four gave you your voice back.

You were both doing a training session in Tartarus and after feeling that familiar surge of power, Four wanted to try something.

She casted media, a more advanced form of dia. But not on any random part. She casted it on your throat.

At first you didn't feel any different. That is until you started talking. You two talked for a while, her smile growing more and more. Then you felt it, or better yet, you didn't feel anything.

Your throat didn't hurt. It never felt scratchy. You took a look at your phone to check how much time had past. Thirty minutes. You and Four were having a full conversation for the past half hour. By then it would have made it unbearable to try to make a whimper.

She healed you. Growing the biggest smile you could make, you picked her up and spun her around, then gave her a kiss. Afterwards, the two of you went back to give the good news to the others. As you were reminiscing of that time, you heard the front door open, and a frantic Eight came through it into the living room.

Y/n: Eight? What's wrong?

She was speaking so fast, it came out as incoherent gibberish. Carefully getting up, as not to wake Marie and Callie, you went over and grabbed Eight's shoulders.

Y/n: Eight, I need you to take a deep breath, and calm down. I can't understand what you are saying.

Eight started calming down and slowly she told you what happened.

Eight: There are two people trapped in Tartarus.

That shocked you, but you needed to know by what she meant.

Y/n: When you say Tartarus, do you mean... the tower?

She nods. This is bad. Three, Four and Meggy are all fast asleep, and Junpei and Akihiko lived too far away. But you took an oath when you joined SEES.

Y/n: What floor are they on?

Eight: 64th.

You nod and go to head for the door.

Eight: Where are you going?

You look back, determination shining in your eyes.

Y/n: To save them.

Eight: What!? You can't go alone!

But you were long gone.


As Headphones woke up, she noticed one major problem.

She wasn't in her bed. In fact, she wasn't even in her house. She turned when she heard groaning to see Bobble waking up. Her eyes open up, showing her hetero-chromatic eyes. One blue and the other pink.

She was very self-conscious of them, and always kept her eyes closed. In fact, her whole personality is a mask. She appears happy and cheerful, but in reality, the constant years of bullying and neglect from her parents for her strange eyes has caused her to have a serious case of depression.

Headphones was the only person who knows about them, and the only person who accepted her for her affliction.

Bobble: Headphones? Where are we?

Headphones: I-I don't know Bobble.

Bobble took a few steps forward before stepping in something wet. She looked down to see she stepped in a puddle of blood. She looked up to see, amidst the darkness of the hallway, the whole corridor was covered in blood. From the floor, the walls and dripping from the ceiling.

She stifled a scream, tears of fear threatening to drip. But she stopped them. Headphones on the other hand, screamed at the top of her lungs.

Tears pouring from her eyes, she screamed.

Headphones: What is this place!? Where are we!?

Bobble wrapped her friend close, trying to calm her down.

Headphones: I wanna go home!!!

And with that, they heard loud, booming footsteps. And around the corner, a large monster appeared and stared at them. They started slowly backing up.

And screamed when it charged at them.


Eight quickly burst open Three's door, causing Three to wake up.

Three: What's going on...?

Eight: Y/n went to Tartarus by himself!

Three laid her head back on the pillow.

Three: That's great. Can't it wait till tomorrow?




Three: HE DID WHAT???!!!


The screaming led you directly toward, who you would think, the two girls trapped. You saw the Shadow charging at them. Quickly rushing forward you jumped in front of the Shadow, pulling out your Evoker, you fired summoning Orpheus, who smacked the Shadow aside.

Y/n: Are you two okay?

Hearing your voice they looked up to see you. You saw it was Bobble and Headphones, two girls who shared the same class as you as well as the others. They nodded, letting you know they're alright. You took a look at Bobble's eyes and were quite captivated by them.

But you could think about that later.

You've got a Shadow to kill.

The monster got up and charged at you again. Summoning your Persona again, it was knocked around again. Calling Orpheus back, you summoned Oberon, you sent forth a blast of lightning.

But it was redirected towards you. It hit you, thankfully most of the attack was absorbed by the initial hit, but it still hurt.

It rushed towards the girls again, taking this distraction, Orpheus went forward and pushed it aside, knocking it over. You ran on top of it and stabbed it in the head. It died in a puff of black smoke.

You sheathed your sword and put your Evoker back in its holster. Hearing the two walk toward you, you turned to see them standing behind you. Suddenly they lunged forward pulling you in for a hug. After calming them both down you lead them both to the entrance.

Just to come face to face with a VERY pissed off Three.

Three: What. The hell. Were you thinking!? Coming here by yourself?! You could have gotten yourself killed!

Y/n: I'm sorry Three, I didn't want to wake you and Eight said that two people were trapped here.

You moved to the side showing Bobble and Headphones. Three seemed surprised, and her anger died a little, but she was still angry.

Three: Okay, alright I understand. But please Y/n, next time wake someone up. The Shadows are only going to get more powerful. You are strong, very, but still.

Y/n: Alright I will. Again, I'm sorry.

Three: It's alright Y/n, you did your job, and did it well. You two.

The two turned their attention to Three, who held a smile.

Three: Come on, you can stay with us tonight.

Everyone left the tower as you escorted Bobble and Headphones back to your house.

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