Chapter 31: Training Troubles (Lemon)

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As you were walking to your next class, you thought about what you wanted to do after school. Everyone was busy, well you haven't asked Meggy yet, but you will once you get to class. Suddenly, a voice called out to you.

Alex: Yo Y/n!

You turn to see Alex running towards you. He had a happy smile on his face, not of mischief or contempt. He finally got to you, and tried to speak through his breathing.

Alex: I'm... glad I... finally found you... ugh, I really need to work out more.

Y/n: What's up?

Alex: I never thanked you for helping me yesterday. And also...

He pulled out a roll of cash.

Alex: The money you earned from Pablo yesterday was seventy thousand dollars. Here, I want you to have half of it.

Y/n: Wait, really?

Alex: Of course. You did the fighting. And I'm going to keep my promise, I won't mess with you or the others again. I may not be the greatest guy, but I keep my word.

He waves and runs off to his next class. You do the same and sit down as soon as the bell rang. Meggy ran through the door just as the bell ended.

Teacher: Late, Ms. Splezter.

Meggy mocks the teacher as she sits next to you.

Y/n: Tardy~

Meggy: Oh shut your face. Not my fault I had to run from those pervert fans of mine.

Y/n: Oh, so they started again? So I have some competition?

Meggy: In their dreams. Oh yeah, have I told you the good news yet?

You shake your head.

Meggy: We have been chosen to compete in the Regional Cross Country Championship!

Y/n: That's awesome! I knew we'd make it.

Meggy: Yeah, but it's thanks to you. You are our fastest runner. Hey, are you doing anything after school?

Y/n: I was about to ask you the same thing.

Meggy: Then I guess it works out. Do you wanna train today? The track will be free, and its beautiful outside.

Y/n: Yeah, that sounds great. I feel honored that I get to train with the captain of every team today.

She only giggles at your comment. You two then finally decided to pay attention to the class.


You were standing outside at the track waiting for Meggy. You weren't planning on running at first, so you just wore a pair of shorts and a tank top. As you waited you looked around the field. It was pretty empty like Meggy said, but there were a few people here and there.

Meggy: Alright you ready?

You turn and blush at the sight in front of you. Meggy stood there with a sports bra and sweatpants that seemed a little too tight.

Meggy: Huh, what's wrong? Your whole face is red.

Y/n: I'm fine... you just... look really good.

Her face erupts in a shade of red as well.

Meggy: Oh. I mean... it's nothing special but thanks.

After that moment of awkwardness, the two of you began jogging. Slowly, the two of you started going faster, and faster until it eventually became a race. As the two of you finished your third lap, you stopped to get a sip of water. Getting each of your fill, you sit next to the door of the shed to rest.

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