Chapter 46: Grief and The Answer

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It has been a year since your death. The girls have taken it hard this whole time, never truly getting over it. They swore that they would also never be with anyone else, as no one else could replace you. Even though they miss you, they kept going on and lived their lives. But they couldn't live in the mansion knowing you were no longer there.

Meggy, Desti, Three and Four got a house together and are making a pretty good living with their jobs and the money from their Turf Wars.

Eight moved back in with Shinjiro, who made a full recovery.

Marie and Callie stayed with Pearl and Marina in the mansion and have made a lot of songs together.

Bobble and Headphones moved in with their teammates, Specs and Goggles.

Akihiko graduated and became a champion boxer. He keeps saying that if you were here you'd keep telling him, 'I told you so' as you kept insisting that he make a career out of it.

Junpei proposed to Chidori last month and are now engaged. Chidori always thanks you everyday when she wakes up for giving her a chance. She only wishes that she could pay back the debt she owes you.

But today is a day where they all made a promise. A day where they would drop all plans and meet up to celebrate their victory over Nyx. The day you died. They would meet at the roof of their old school and talk. Catching up and seeing how everyone was doing. Then they would go to your grave to speak with you.

When they arrived at the gravesite, they saw that someone else was already there. A girl with white hair and a blue dress. When she turned to them, they saw she had yellow eyes.

Three: Who are you?

Elizabeth: My name is Elizabeth. I am an attendant in the Velvet Room, and a your friends guide back during the Dark Hour.

Meggy: But I thought only we knew about the Dark Hour?

Four: Yeah, but she said the Velvet Room.

Desti: Isn't that where Y/n would go to fuse his Personas?

The new girl laughs as the group tries to comprehend what is happening.

Elizabeth: I'm sure you all have many questions, and I will be sure to answer what I can but please, let me explain.

They all gather around the attendant and listens to what she has to say.

Elizabeth: As I told an old friend of yours, there is much more in store for Y/n. Even now, as I look upon the cards, the Fool Arcana, the Arcana that represents Y/n and his ability as the Wild Card, still appears when I look into the future. Also considering that the Velvet Room is still connected to this reality, something else is coming.

The group felt a feeling of dread as they were told that. But that wasn't the worst news.

Elizabeth: Y/n may have sealed Nyx away, but it is only a matter of time before the wishes of humanity frees it again.

Bobble: So... it doesn't matter that he won? His death will be in vain?

Their fear and worry turned to sadness. Truly, Nyx was unavoidable.

Elizabeth: Not entirely.

They looked up at the girl.

Elizabeth: Remeber, I said that there is more in store for Y/n. He has made many bonds, and each of them reached out to him in his time of need. Therefore, he completed his contract and I will take the liberty to reward the heroes who attempted to save this world.

She gains a mischievous grin on her face.

Elizabeth: Plus, I have also grown quite fond of the young man. If I wasn't an attendant, I would have liked to join you in your little harem.

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