Chapter 45: Goodbye...

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After the defeat of Nyx, everyone who never experienced the Dark Hour beforehand forgot about everything. Only you, your team, Pearl, Marina, Marie and Callie remember everything. The following month was a relaxing one, only school to worry about as the Dark Hour was no more. Everyone who suffered from the Apathy Syndrome was cured and were able to return to everyday life.

You on the other hand, grew weaker as each day passed. You always brushed it off, saying that the sudden feeling of having all the powers of your Personas suddenly vanish was just getting to you. But in reality...

You were dying.

Sealing Nyx away used literally everything you had in you. Even your very life force. And today, one month after your victory, the day of graduation, was your last day.

You knew that the moment you woke up. It was difficult to get out of bed and difficult to focus on anything. You had texted everyone to meet you on top of the roof of the school, even Marie, Callie, Pearl and Marina.

It was a struggle to even stand at this moment. Using all of your energy to act like everything was fine had been drained, and now you were clinging onto the railings for dear life as you climbed up the steps. After what felt like years, you finally made it to the top. Opening the door, you see everyone gathered around. They notice your presence and look over at you, their happy faces dropping as they saw the state you were in. You walked forward, trying to make it to them, but to no avail. Your legs gave out and you fell forward. Meggy quickly ran over and caught you, kneeling down to rest your head on her lap.

Three: Y/n, what's going on? Are you alright!?

Y/n: I'm sorry that I... kept this from you. I didn't want any of you to worry.

Four: What do you mean?

Y/n: Sealing Nyx away took everything from me. And I mean everything.

They look upset and confused.

Y/n: I'm dying. And today is more than likely my last day with you.

Meggy: What?!

Eight: But you've been fine this whole time!

Guilt filled you as they stared at you, tears pouring down their faces.

Four: This... better not be a prank. Cause it's not funny.

Y/n: I've been forcing myself to continue, just to spend a little more time with you. But I can't anymore.

Your grip on Meggy's hand loosenes and everyone notices.

Bobble: No, you can't.

Headphones: Not after all this time.

Everyone begins voicing their outrage at this outcome. But they quiet down as you spoke once again.

Y/n: I'm sorry. I wish there could have been another way, but...

Marina: This was the only outcome...

Pearl: That's completely not fair...

Callie: Please... I know I don't pray much... but please God, don't take him... please.

Marie places a hand in her cousin's shoulder. Akihiko didn't say anything but he didn't have to, his face said it all. Junpei was crying into Chidori's shoulder, and said girl looked upset and gave you a nod. A nonverbal thank you for all you've done. Desti falls down and crawls over to you.

Desti: No, you can't leave. Not after all this. We gave you energy before, why not now?!

She places her hands on your chest, trying to give you some kind of energy, but to no avail. You rub your thumb across Desti's face, getting her attention.

Y/n: I want all of you to know that I enjoyed every moment I had with all if you. Please, go on and live your lives. Promise me that.

One by one, they all promise. You look around at everyone one last time.

Y/n: Thank you, all of you for the amazing year. I love all of you. Good...bye.

Your grip fails and your hand falls from Meggy's. Your last breath leaving you as your life fades away. A smile adorned your face as you died surrounded by your friends and loved ones.

(This is the official end to Persona 3. The protagonist sacrifices himself to free humanity from the Fall and brings hope to world again. But like I said, I want this story to end on a happy note. I just hope I can pull this off.)

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