Chapter 5 Once Again

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***Another week another chapter, I'm finally finished my semester for the time being so I'll have more time to write and hopefully have lots more chapters stockpiled for you guys. Hope you enjoy and I'll be seeing you all again next week ;)***

Watching all these people flock to the guy who's ass I had saved a few months ago was strange. He seemed more regal and was smiling and greeting everyone politely. I never thought I would see the guy again, I didn't even really give him a second thought at the time. Granted I did think he was a bit strange but it didn't go further than that. Now however I couldn't help but wonder who this guy really was. More than that, even though I didn't consider it my business to understand what he was doing with that man in the back alley before, suddenly it was a question that needed to be answered. It was hard to get a proper visual of him with all the people flocking around him, I'd have to figure out what I was going to do about this later. For now I just needed to focus on getting to the principal's office so he could show me around and all that new student crap.

I walked into the building, with how big it was there was a sense of being swallowed by it. Marble floors and hand carved oak doors, renaissance style paintings adorning the cathedral like high ceilings. This place didn't feel real. Nor did it feel like it was ten minutes away from the city. I walked through the long, wide corridor, passing other students that were here early. My heavy black boots clunked onto the floor and echoed in the hall. I knew where I was supposed to go since the directions were pretty straight forward. Go to the end of the first hall to your left, up a flight of stairs at the end and then all the way down that hall until you reach a giant door that said "Dean's office". As I finally reached the upper level, I could see the very obvious door at the end of the hall. It was bigger than any of the other doors here. Other than the entrance to the school that is.

As I reached the door thought I could hear talking inside, granted with the tone that could be hard I'm not sure talking is the right word for it. I enhance my hearing to know what's going on. Now I know it's not polite to eavesdrop but I was supposed to meat with the guy but he's clearly busy. I just wanted to know if I should wait until they were done or knock now.

Ok yes maybe I also was just curious, don't judge me. With my hearing enhanced I could easily hear the conversation going on inside. One voice sounded younger but still deep, while the other was low and raspy, the kind that comes with age.

"You say that but I still don't understand why you accepted him. You act like you didn't see the rap-sheet he has. He broke a kid's jaw in three places." There was a moment of silence, soon followed by a sigh.

"This isn't the time to be discussing this." They never said me by name but I'm self aware enough to know that most people don't do the kinds of things I do. I vividly remember breaking that guy's jaw. It wasn't even at school, though it was with someone from my school. An acquaintance wanted me to go to a bar with her and she was very insistent about it. Long story short straight bars suck. He needed to learn that saying and doing the shit he was doing to my acquaintance ends in me breaking his face. To be honest it took everything I had to not do more damage than that. My temper even scares me sometimes, which is why I've learned to not be bothered by a lot of miner things. I just can't afford to be. There was one thing though that made me wonder. It definitely is a little strange that they let me into this school, with a scholarship no less, knowing my history. I would have to contemplate this later though. Right now I was just tired of waiting to hear the rest of what they had to say. I wanted to get this tour over with.

I didn't even knock and just opened the door. The dean who was standing behind a large wooden desk, leaning on his hands looked up from the guy sitting in the chair in front of him. He also spun his head around.

"Ah, Mister Eros, hello. I'm sorry, here I am chatting away and you're right on time." He smiled and chuckled. Man I don't think I've ever been called by my last name like that. Usually my dad is the one people are calling Mister Eros. I smile and walk up to him and shake his hand firmly.

"That's no problem, it's nice to meet you sir."

"You have quite the handshake there son." He says as we finish the handshake. My strength seemed to have caught him off guard. Which I mean fair enough. I'm five foot five and although I have muscle I'm still pretty small. Also if you're thinking the handshake proves I have no control over my abilities, that's not the cause. I like giving firm handshakes. They are one of the first things that a person will base their opinion of you on. "This is my son Conar. He was actually just here volunteering to show you around." Well I know for a fact that that's not true. Conar looked at his dad with an expression that could be easily described as conveying 'What the fuck?'. His dad just smiled at him and I had to try not to laugh.

"Actually if it would be of no trouble, I wouldn't mind showing him around." Our heads all turned to the sound of the voice behind me. I recognized that unsettlingly smooth voice. Grey Eye's was standing there, a small and calm smile on his lips. This smile though, it didn't reach his eyes.

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