Chapter 25 Nausea

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***This is a little later than I usually post in the day but I'm going to be honest that's because I actually didn't realize it was friday- So, sorry about that- but at least I still posted today right? Ok just enjoy the chapter I know I left it on a cliffhanger so it's highly possible none of y'all are reading this notation anyway. I'll see you guys next week though ;)***

I blinked, my eyes immediately squinting from the bright light. My head was throbbing. I turned to my side and brought my knees closer to my body. I was on a bed, definitely not mine though, this one was harder. I squinted a bit and slowly tried opening my eyes. I groaned as I tried to let my eyes adjust. The first thing I saw was the blurry outline of someone. At first I thought it was Lex but as my eyes adjusted I soon realized it wasn't. In fact, I had no idea who this man was. I breathed in sharply and snapped up, backing away suddenly to the edge of the bed. The room seemed to spin.

"Sorry to startle you, you're in my school's infirmary. You're perfectly safe." I blinked a few more times, my heart rate was still elevated. Wait what did he just say? 'My'?

"Who are you?" My voice cracked.

"Beaumont Westminster, I believe you've met my boy Lexington." I was too out of it to dwell on the fact that I just learnt Lex's full name was Lexington. My head was still pounding. "I had just arrived at the fair when suddenly a commotion sent a crowd in the other direction. I soon found out one of the student's attending my school had suffered heat exhaustion and lost consciousness. I needed to make sure you got the best medical treatment of course." My stomach was tight, I was hearing the words he was saying but, something felt off. What was it? Concentrating on anything made my head hurt. Wait, what the hell? I tried to concentrate on his heart but I wasn't hearing anything. It wasn't because there was nothing there, my abilities weren't working. I couldn't use them at all. "I'm terribly sorry young man you must be tired, I simply wanted to ensure that you were well taken care of." He stood up and adjusted his tie, smoothing out his suit briefly. My eyes followed him. Something was bothering me.

"Did they give me anything?" He paused and smiled at me. I didn't like it.

"Just an IV to rehydrate you, nothing more. I'm not a doctor though of course." That's what it was, that's why it didn't feel right. His voice sounded so warm and kind but, the skin around his eyes, it didn't move with his expressions. Just then, his lips didn't move but I could have sworn he whispered something. "It'll wear off." Was I hearing things? He smiled "Get some rest young man, I want my student's to take good care of themselves." He walked out of the room leaving only the echo of his shoes hitting against the tiled floor in his wake. The door shut with a click behind him.

The moment he was gone I breathed, my body shaking. Something's not right, something's not right with me. My phone. I hastily patted my pants. It wasn't there. I glanced around the room a bit frantically, my eyes finally spotting it on a counter on the side of my bed. I grabbed at it and tried punching in the password but my hands were shaking to much. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I gripped my phone tight between my hands and closed my eyes, my legs were crossed and I hunched forward so that my head was practically touching the mattress.

I took in a long deep breath, held it for five seconds, and let it out slowly. Breathed in, held it, breathed out slowly. Ok, it's ok. Think Sai, what are you feeling? What are the causes? I opened my eyes. I examined my self. Ok, I'm still wearing my same clothes, my binder is still on. I have an IV in, just like he said. I stared at the bag that was hanging on the hook, the clear liquid inside had almost depleted.

The fact that my powers weren't working was still concerning. I did just pass out though, was that really heat stroke? No, there was no way. I had maybe been out in the courtyard for thirty minutes, that was nowhere near enough time. It started when I heard that... thing. I heard it a few weeks ago too. I knew that it was a heartbeat but something about it didn't sound right? Why didn't it sound right? I tried to recall it's sound as best as I could, my stomach turned in on itself as I did so. It was... slow, and there was something else. When it did beat, somehow it sounded like the beat it's self took longer. I imagine that might be what a heartbeat sounds like if put in slow motion. There was something else though, why is it so hard to remember when I just heard it?

"Sai...? Are you alright?" I sat up suddenly, my attention going to the door. Elis was standing there, a concerted frown on her brow. She had my camera strapped over her shoulder. She stepped into the room and sat on the chair that was left next to my bed by Beaumont Westminster.

"Uh, yeah just, upset stomach I guess." She took my camera off her shoulder and handed it to me.

"Yeah they said you had heat exhaustion, you must have been out there for a while." My stomach growled, loud enough that she could hear it. Her eyes lit up. "Oh I can grab you some food if you want, have you had lunch yet?"

"No I um, I forgot to bring one so I was just going to eat once I got home." She stood up.

"Ok give me a minute, I'm going to go get you some food. You're not allergic to anything are you?" I thought of telling her it was fine but I could already see that was going to prove pointless.

"No, anything is fine." She headed towards the door. "Um, thanks, by the way." She flashed me a warm smile and headed out.

"I'll be right back!" I hadn't really done anything to deserve her friendship but I appreciated that she seemed to see me as one. I looked down at the camera in my hands. I wasn't shaking anymore. I put the camera on the table where I had snatched my phone from before. Speaking of, I can probably punch in the code to open my phone now, so I did that. It looked like I had a few messages. I think they must have told my dad that I had passed out because I had multiple missed calls and a string of texts from him. I texted him back, letting him know I was fine.

My fingers hovered over the screen. Should I... tell him about my abilities? I don't know how he would react if I told him they weren't working for some reason. Maybe I should tell him that it wasn't heat exhaustion ether, like the school probably told him it was. I chewed on the inside of my lip. I had to tell him, I didn't know what to do.

That episode that happened earlier was making me uneasy also. What if that's what caused my abilities to suddenly stop working? This has never happened before, I always just thought that my abilities were something I was born with, just like how some people are born with red hair. If they can just go away like this though, is it not just these things I was born able to do? Am I not supposed to be able to do these things? Are my abilities actually hurting me? My train of thought just kept on down this rabbit hole and I was scaring myself more.

My spiralling was interrupted by the sounds of footsteps. I looked towards the door hearing them coming down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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