Chapter 11 Caught

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***Who knew University makes it hard to remember to constantly post? I wish wattpad had a way to set chapters to publish at a specific time in advance, you guys wouldn't be getting late chapters like this if it did. But I digress, I hope you all enjoy the chapter and I apologize again for it being a bit late. I'll see you all next time ;)***

My leg was bouncing against the ground as my arms were folded in front of me. All the while I see my uncle with a frown on his face, a silk nightgown tied around him, sitting on the living room couch next to whatever this night's guy's name was. Who, by the way, was in nothing but boxers. There was only the floor lamp on so the room was relatively dark with only that yellow light providing any illumination. Meanwhile I was sitting on the couch on the opposite side of the coffee table separating us.

"So... why is that guy still here?" I was very obviously talking about the burly half naked man next to him who seemed uncomfortable and unsure of where to look. Despite being covered in tattoos he really didn't give off the tough vibe. I don't blame him though since he was getting in the middle of family drama with what I'm assuming was supposed to be a one night stand. He just had to pick my uncle huh? Unlucky guy.

"Yeah uh... he's right maybe I should go." He spoke awkwardly as he tried to stand up but ultimately found himself being pulled back down on the couch.

"It's fine, this will only take a second." My uncle could be stubborn sometimes. 'Yeah right don't lie to the guy, two seconds my ass.' I just sighed. Whatever, if he wanted to do this now and with this guy here then he can see if I care.

"You're mad cuz I snuck out right? So just give me a punishment or something and we can both go to bed." Figured I'd streamline things. I could tell he wasn't just pissed about me sneaking out though. I glanced at the guy who was still sitting there awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck as he looked anywhere but near me or my uncle. Ah man... it felt like we were keeping him hostage. I suddenly flashed back to what I saw tonight, I felt a twinge in my stomach. I probably shouldn't think about things like that so lightly, especially after having witnessed someone actually having been taken hostage. I wonder if that kid has calmed down now... and if he's with his mom.

"Sai are you even listening?" I blinked and my eyes focussed on my uncle again. Looks like I got lost in thought.

"Hm, what? yeah?" He let out a frustrated sigh.

"I said, I shouldn't have to do that at your age, you're an adult come on." I scratched the back of my neck. I know where this is going, but just telling me to be responsible, that's not going to change anything. He acts like he doesn't remember what happened when I did stop doing this those years ago. Shit, I'm remembering more unnecessary things.

"Listen I just... your dad and I... we don't want to see something happen to you." He wasn't angry now. He was being earnest, which wasn't the route I thought he was going to take. Ah man, and it was the kind of unrest that made me feel like I had stones in the pit of my stomach. Yeah, I know what he's saying, he doesn't have to tell me that. I know, I know... I looked up and was met with a frown of worry on his brow. That twinge of guilt I was already feeling just twisted into my gut that much more.

"I'm careful ok? And I never bite off more than I can chew. I just... this is something I need to do." He breathed out, sounding a bit defeated. He sat back on the couch, the guy next to him glancing at him for a moment and then back at me before going back to rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the ground somewhere.

"Yeah... I know, even if I don't like it, I know that." There was silence for a moment, and then he said something I should have expected, but just was hoping he wouldn't mention. "You're going to have to tell your dad." Fuck... yeah, you think I don't know that? I know I have to tell him, I was just hoping that could wait until I had graduated and wasn't living here anymore. I couldn't just sit here wordlessly thought, I had to say something.

"I will, just let me do it on my own terms." Hopefully that would buy me at least a bit of time. Honestly the longer I could put that off the better.

"That's fine but I'm not giving you forever, between now and a week ok? Otherwise I'm going to have to tell him, because honestly if I don't he's going to make me tell him. You know how he is." I breathed out my nose a bit in frustration. He's right, my dad can tell when his brother is lying or trying to keep something from him. In reality, the timer started ticking the moment my uncle realized I wasn't home. This sucks.

"Yeah, fair enough." I said with a bit of a sigh. "Anyway, I'm going to bed. You can get back to... well..." I mean I could just flat out say it to see this half naked guys reaction but at the same time maybe that's to mean? "...entertaining your guest." I couldn't help it, at least I didn't say it as directly as I was planning to begin with though. My uncle was looking at me with a smile but his eyes weren't smiling, he was irritated. "K good night." I say as I head to my room, trying to hold back a laugh. The half naked guy was blushing slightly. My uncle never really had any specific tastes when it came to looks, as long as they were attractive he didn't care. But he did have a thing for the ones that had a cute streak, this guy definitely fit that.

I shut the door behind me and stripped off my binder before I flopped face first into my bed. I took a deep breath. I was tired, but there were so many thoughts running through my head. I didn't get a chance to tell that guy that I wasn't an enemy. Shit, that's going to bug me for a while. I turn my head on my pillow, the moonlight shining onto my nightstand and by proxy, onto the card I had placed there. I reached for the card and rolled onto my back, holding it up in the air as I inspected it. So many questions and so few answers. I'm getting closer though, I can feel it.

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