Chapter 19 Blood Soaked

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***Well I'm home sick and my university has just been closed and at least for now it seems it will be staying closed for the next two weeks. I'm sure I'm not the only one of you guys going through this, because this is a world wide thing but I wanted to say I hope you guys are doing alright. Stay safe, wash your hands, and I'll see you guys next week. Hang in there guys <3***

I followed them down a couple streets, trying not to limp. They got me to wrap my arm in my sweater. It kept it from bleeding too much more. They called someone and even though it was rude and I was in pain I eavesdropped. It wasn't something that took much concentration since even without using my hearing I could still faintly hear the other voice but just couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Hey are you home right now?" There was a pause before the other answered.

"...yeah, why? Ahe is home from daycare so if you wanted to-"

"No no- that's, that's not why I asked. I just kind of, bumped into this kid while I was running someone down and... his arm is pretty messed up." Well that sounded like it was about to go somewhere interesting.

"Z! How bad is pretty messed up?! Why didn't you bring him to the hospital?!" The voice on the other end jumped up a few octaves.

"Kona, I tried, he refused. I don't know why but I couldn't just let him go home like that. You're the only person I thought of who could help. I messed up and now he's hurt and I need to make it right." I heard Kona sigh.

"Alright," She said defeatedly. "bring the kid over, I'm about to put Ahe to bed so just be quiet about it." I saw a faint smile pull at Z's lips.

"I owe you one, thanks. I'll be there in a minute." There tone was softer as they said that but only slightly.

"Alright, see you soon then."



When they hung up it fell silent again. They didn't seem bothered by the silence though. I wanted to ask them about the other night. They seemed like a decent enough person so even though they were incredibly violent that time it felt like it must have been with a good reason. I couldn't just bring that up though since they didn't know it was me who was on that roof at that time. They seemed to have gotten the impression I was with those guys from before.

"So... why were you chasing that guy?" I ended up asking. They were walking a bit ahead of me but I could see there body frees for less than a second, but it was enough for me to notice.

"Just... a shitty dude, needed to get his ass beat." That was incredibly vague but I guess that must be the point.

"Do you do that a lot?" I asked, wincing a bit felling my pants pull at my gashes in an uncomfortable way. They slow down there pace and look back at me.

"Is your leg hurt too?" I must have limped without realizing.

"A little maybe." I can see it in there deadpanned expression that they're not buying it.

"Why are you even pretending? What's the point kid?" Well as fair as that question was, I usually don't make too big of a deal when I get hurt like this because in a few days it will be completely healed anyway. I just shrugged, I didn't really have an answer I could give them. I heard them sigh, probably at my non answer. "What are you doing out this time of night anyway? Alone too?" I paused, unsure of how much I should say.

"Fight with my dad... I guess you could call it." I don't know if you'd call it a fight but it wasn't exactly just a normal conversation about the weather ether.

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