Chapter 4 New School

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***Another week another chapter. I ended up editing a bit of this instead of doing my final assignments for the semester so I'm making good use of my time as you can tell. Enjoy the chapter lads, and I'll see you all next week.***

~Two Months Later~

"Sai!" My uncles voice cut through my dream, making me wake up feeling groggy. My eyes opened and then immediately shut from the bright light of the sun. I left my face consumed by the pillow as I moved my hand around the side of my bed, not bothering to look as I felt around for my phone. I found it after a few seconds and pulled it up to my squinting eyes. Seven AM. You know that wouldn't bother me as much if I didn't come home last night at six AM after running down a thief.

I left my phone on the bed and rolled myself into my fluffy duvet, pulling the blanket over my head. I closed my eyes and ended up falling asleep again. Of course that didn't end well for me. There was a knock at my door which was soon followed by it being flung open. I was half awake and didn't have time to prepare my self. Next thing I knew a grown ass man had jumped on me. I let out a sound that you might expect someone to make if they were punched in the gut.

"Oh he's alive! Here I thought you had keeled over and died on us."

"Yea well..." Gasp. "if you don't get off me..." Grunt. "that might just happen..."

"Hm? What? Sorry I can't hear you, you're going to have to speak louder." Now he was just being a pain in the ass. I used my strength and shoved him off of me. He landed on his feat but stumbled a bit at first. I didn't use all my strength. After all I wasn't aiming to launch him into the ceiling, the guy is only one hundred and seventy five pounds. "Hey hey hey, come on now that's not fair, be gentle with your elders." I roll over, my short wavy hair falling in at eye level. I'd probably have more hair in my eyes right now if it wasn't for the fact that other than the top of my head, the rest was buzzed. I don't bother to move the bright red locks and look through the strands at my uncle making an overly dramatic expression.

"You're thirty, not eighty, calm down." My voice was groggy and cracked a bit. Starting puberty for the second time will do that to you.

"And you're eighteen, not thirteen, even if you sound like it, so get out of bed on time kid cuz god knows that school won't let you in if you're late." He wasn't wrong, the school is defiantly prestigious. The only reason I got in is because of my grades. Believe me without a scholarship there was no way in hell we'd be able to pay for it.

"Yea ok fine I'll be up in a minute." My voice was half muffled by me letting my face fall back into the pillow. I didn't even have to look to know that Mike was still standing there giving me a sceptical look. "I really will ok! Promise."

"Fine, and since I'm such a nice Uncle I'll even make you a coffee. If you're not out of that room and ready to go in ten though I'm leaving without ya. I have work to do too you know."

"Thank you, love you, now get out please." I didn't have to look to know he had just rolled his eyes. He shut the door behind him and after a minute of just lying there I managed to get up. I was supposed to wear a uniform but they sent me the one for girls and as much as I love guy's defying gender norms I finally look masculine enough that people assume I'm a guy. I'm not looking to throw that out just yet. My uncle talked to the school about it and they changed my name in there system and will be sending me the boy's uniform soon. Today though I get to go full leather jacket (thrifted by the way since I'm broke) and combat boots. Basically modern greaser style if you will.

I slipped on my binder and the rest of my clothes and threw my black backpack over my shoulder. I stopped to look in the mirror for a moment. My hand traced my jaw line. It was more pronounced. I had a stupid giddy smile on my face. It was all starting to look how it was supposed to.

My dad told me to be careful though, he's worried the testosterone might increase my already abnormal strength. I'm not about to admit it, but I think it already has. He'd have an ulcer if he knew what I was doing at night, but I can't just pretend I'm not able to do the things I can do all the time. One gigantic secret at a time though. Plus my dad is still trying to get used to the new reality I dropped on him a few months ago. I know it's going to take time, I'm just happy he's trying. Plus I have my uncle that's been incredibly supportive, I think he's excited that he's not the only queer in the family now. I spun around suddenly though, feeling like I was being watched.

"We get it, you're handsome, now stop getting lost in your own eyes and let's go." Mike was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed and a smirk. I got the impression that he was probably standing there longer than I would have liked as I smiled at myself in the mirror.

The car ride was nice, despite the traffic at first, it gave me and Mike some time to talk. I leaned against the window, fighting the urge to close my eyes for a second as I sunk into the old leather seat. The smell of fake pine car freshener consumed the old car. My uncle had bought it used for something like five hundred. It worked though even though the air conditioning was broken the seats at least wormed up during the winter. I think it's probably his favourite feature of the thing.

"Are you nervous?"

"Not really, I mean not wearing the uniform is probably going to make me stand out but after today the excitement of the new kid should die down." I've changed school's enough time's now that I kind of got the drill down at this point.

"As confident as ever I see. But even if by some strange occurrence you somehow, by some chance, are having even the smallest bit of trouble, you know you can call me, or your dad." He was being overdramatic on purpose. I know I tend to want to handle things all on my own all the time but sometimes it's just easier that way.

"Sure, if by some strange chance something happens I'll call you." I would call my dad but he's been a bit distant ever since I told him. I think my uncle noticed that I was worrying about something.

"Don't worry, he'll come around. It's just going to take him some time to get used to it." Sometimes I think he's the one with superpowers, he always seems to know what's going through my head.

We finally got there and the car jerked to a halt, making a high pitched sound of metal grinding on metal. I wince at the sound, looking over to my uncle who just shrugs. I roll my eyes and throw my backpack over my shoulder, giving my uncle a kiss on the cheek before stepping out. Other students were entering the school though the gigantic marble staircase leading up to gigantic oak doors and absurdly high pillars. This looks like a damn castle rather than a school.

As all the uniformed and properly quaffed students of various ethnicities entered, I could tell some of them were looking at me. Whether that was a good or bad thing though had yet to be determined. The winds shifted from me as a crowd started to form when a limousine pulled up. I didn't care to much so I just continued walking but as I glanced back I stopped in my tracs. It was the guy from that night a few months ago, he was even wearing the same long coat. What the hell was he doing here?

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