Chapter 1

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Jennifer's POV

"Matthew, are we going ro that party tonight?" i asked my boyfriend as i approached him and his friends.

"With mason?" He asked
"Well yeah," I chuckled.

"Why do you wanna hang out with that nerd?" He asked.

"Cause he is my best friend next to Emma and you say something else about I will slap you." I said

"I am only messing...sorry." he laughed

I was very protective of Mason, he had been my best friend for years but my other friends don't understand because he is classed as a "geek" while I am a popular cheerleader.But he was kind and always helpful and so sweet. He was a better person on the inside than most.

"Will we just meet you there?" I asked.

"Yes that will be fine..." he said kissing me.

"Alright, see you in study hall..." I smiled flittering off. I see Mason with his head in his lockers and i made my way over prodding his sides.

"Hey bestie." I said happily

"I have decided I don't wanna be your best friend since you drag me to stupid parties." He said laughing

"Oh... well fine!" I chuckled and went to walk away.

"You know I am only messing." He laughed pulling me back to him

"I know...the party won't be that bad." I laughed

"I hate parties, I don't belong there!" He said softly.

"I know you do but you never know, you may have some fun for once." I said teasing him, prodding his side.

"Hey! I have fun!!" He said.

"If you say so..." I giggled and he pouted at me "I am only messing." I added slipping my arm around his shoudler

"Better be!!!" He pouted.

"I am..." I giggled "come on now we don't wanna be late." I added

"Fine fine!" He chuckled following me.

We headed to class...Emma already there.

"Hey girlie." I smiled hugging her

"Hey." She smiled back

She said Hey to Mason, he have her a shy smile then turned away.

"You looking forward to the party?" She asked me

"Yes should be a good night." I said

"What about you Mase?" She asked him.

"Not really, not my thing." He  said quietly

"It'll be fun!!!" Emma insisted.

"Yeah apparently according to Jen too." He said

"It will!!!" I said.He rolled his eyes, clearly not agreeing to what we were saying. He was not really the one for parties, I just drag him to one every now and then much to his dismay.But we have been friends even thru my forcefulness!!Known each other since we were five, our familes stay next door to each other.He was always there with me to catch frogs and climb trees.

We have always had a strong relationship, don't know what I would do without him.He was there for me when me and Matthew fought, when I had my first kiss. Everything.Every girls life would be so much easier if they all had a friend like Mason.They paid attention to class and tried not to zone out.I just wanted the day to be over so we could get to the party.After that bell rang they went to lunch.

Mason's P.O.V

"Jennifer can I just stay home? I have nothing to wear." I groaned as we sat in my room as I got ready

"Jeans and a tee...that is all you need." She laughed.

"Pleaaase! I don't want to!!" I pouted.

"Mason if you really don't wanna come then don't." She said

"It is a little late now, who else is going to look after your drunken ass." I laughed  "someone sensible needs to be there to drive you and Emma." I added

"Fine fine I will never turn away a DD!" She giggled.

"Can you please help me find clothes?" I said groaningJennifer moved from my bed, coming over to my closet, looking through them.

"Where these jeans with this tee and your converse." She said handing me everything "now get changed we need to go pick Emma up." She added laughing

"Fine fine!!" I said and shooed her off to change.I quickly got changed, Jennifer coming back in and fussing over my hair.

"Oh my God would you stop, you are worse than my mother." I laughed swatting her hand away

"Hey!!! If you wanna impress Emma you need to let me!!" She said firmly.

"Don't start with that again..." I said feeling my cheeks heat up "it isn't like she would ever look at me that way." I added. I have been crushing on him since I was ten years old but girls like her don't go for guys like me.

"Just saying! She will if you work at it!!!" She said firmly.

"Yeah cause out of all the guys she can chose from she would pick me." I said

"Jennifer I am not delusional...I know she will never be mine. She seems to go for the bad boy...jackass types." I added.

"Well, maybe you need to show here there is better than that out there..." she said.

"Only if life was that simple." I said "come on we better make a move." I added wanting to change the subject

"Alright lets go!!" she said and we went out to her car and headed to emma's. When she came out i sighed. SHe looked beautiful as always.

"Maybe you try having an actual conversation with her  tonight." Jennifer whsipered

"Shut up!" i hissed as she reached the car to get in.

"Hey guys!! wow, your hair looks great Mase!" emma smiled. Her brother was outside, smoking.

"Jesus emma, your brother's kinda hot..." jen giggled, "So mysterious..."

"Eww but Ok, yes he is something different for sure  but he is an awesome big brother." Emma smiled

"Besides you got a boyfriend!" I reminded Jen.

"Hey! just because i already ordered, doesnt mean i cant look at the menu!" jennifer argued.

"Yeah, yeah..." I laughed

"So you looking forward to the party yet Mase?" Emma asked me.Mase, she always called me that, she is only one that called me that.

"I guess, im the DD.. so i have a part to play..." i chuckled.

"Yes...yes you do thanks for being the DD though." She smiled

My breath caught in my throat when she smiled at was so beautiful.

"You're welcome..." i said looking down at my phone trying to distract myself from her.She let out a small giggled and I finally started the car and we were on our way.

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