Chapter 7

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Mason's P.O.V

"Jen are you Ok?" I asked as we were sitting on her bed

"No! What was I thinking?" She said shaking her head

"That you like him...." i said, "Duh."

"Not the point! I shouldn't have done what I did." She said

"Then why did you?" I asked

"I got lost in that voice." She said

"He is pretty talented," i said, handing her my phone. I had recorded the entire performance.

"I know...and I don't think me watching that again will be a good idea." She said

"I think its a perfect idea.... jennifer, this guy, hes talented, and he likes you, and you kissed him tonight, and then left him there, with his ego probably in amillion pieces," i said honestly. I always promised her i would be brutally honest.

"I know maybe I should call him, I shouldn't have ran out like that but I am confused...the way he is making me feel scares me." She sighed

"The way he makes you feel?" i asked.

"Yes the way he makes me feel. He makes my heart pound in my chest..makes my mind go places it shouldnt. He does strange things to me." She said

"Sounds like love to me..." i snickered.

"Oh my God shut up Mason." She said hitting me with a pillow

"Hey! not fair!!" i said hitting ehr back.

"And you are one to talk...what the hell were you thinking knocking Emma back when she asked you dance?" She said

"Because i mumbled about being too clsot to her would be too hard... she heard me i tried to sover..." i siad.

"Are you ever going to tell her?" She asked

"tell her what?" i asked.

"That you have been crushing on her for nearly eight years?" She said

"No, why on earth would i tell her that?" i said, shaking my head.

"Why are you so worried?" She asked

"Because she will laugh in my face." I said

"She will not!!" she argued slightly exhasparted.

"Jennifer I am not stupid...she would never wanna be with me." I said

"You don't know that, she alreayd told me she slept better last night than she has in she cant even remember when..." she said.

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