Chapter 12

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Jennifer's POV

Heading to cheerleading practice on Friday with Emma, I was shocked to see they had started without us.

"What the heck?" I said annoyed "we are on time so why have you started without us?" I added.

"Because you're not a part of this squad, why would we wait?" our captain Courtney asked as they were stretching.

"Excuse me? Yes, we are." Emma said

"Not anymore...we all talked and two of you are out." She said

"What the fuck for what?" I hissed

"Being with those two losers." She said

"Oh, hell fucking know don't you talk about Mason and My brother like that," Emma said angrily.

"THIS SQUAD hs a reputation! and YOU TWO no longer fit the bill, neither do the things you call boyfriends..." she snapped. I felt my anger rise up and my fists tightened beside me. I wanted to hit her.

"Jennifer she isn't even worth it." Emma said. 

"Good luck keeping this squad together without us because we are the two that keep it going." She added.

"And don't fucking dare talk about Mason and Kellin like don't even know them...they are better people than you lot will ever be." I snapped

"Also you know what shove your cheerleading squad up your fucking ass because at least when high school is done Jen and I have a lot more waiting for us while people like you, well not so much sweetie," Emma added in

"Sure, if you say so...." Courtney said before getting them all back to practice. Me... I wasn't done yet... I decide, I had my spanks and sports bra on, which covered more than my swimsuit, so I took off my uniform and tossed it at her. THen proudly walked back to my car and threw some clothes on over my bra and spanks.

"Nicely done girl," Emma said laughing.

"Thank you..." I chuckled as Courtney stood there in shock. I heard them talking tho.

"Fuck," Laura said, "you see her abs, she has a better body than you Court!"

"Whatever...silly bitch," Courtney said

Emma and I looked at each other...smirking and laughing.

"she has gotten a bit into carbs," i said shrugging, "Oh well, no shaming man..."

"Fuck the lot of them...don't need them. Done with high school drama...only a couple of months to go." Emma said

"I am with you on that..." I said

"I am still gonna miss cheering..." Emma said, "it's them I won't miss."

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