Chapter 13

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Jennifer's POV

Finally, dress shopping!! I was so anxious to find the perfect prom dress.

"I can't believe we are shopping for prom dresses already," Emma said excitedly. Emma and I were dress shopping...the guys away shopping for their outfits whatever they may be.

"Kellin said, he'd dress up the best he can, but if I know him it's gonna be like jeans and a shirt with the picture of a tuxedo shirt..." I laughed.

"Yes that sounds like my brother " Emma giggled

"Well, either way I want to look GORGEOUS!!!" I said, "Knock his socks off want to take my virginity gorgeous...."

"Trust me girlie you do that to him every day, he is crazy about you." She smiled "are you ready for that like?" She added

"I am, it's Kellin, I love him...." I said,

"I knew it! have you told him?" She asked "that you love him?" She added

"No I am scared it is too soon," I said

"Why? He clearly feels the same." She said.

"I dunno, maybe at prom... before we do that, he should know..." I said.

" I said

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"Yes. I am happy both of your first times are going to be done out of love." She smiled

"Me too...." I smiled, scanning the racks "Hmm, should I do black or red?"

"Red...for sure. You have always suited that color." Emma smiled.

"Alright, so red... and sexy..." she said pulling a few from the rack.

"Yes for sure." She smiled

"What about you what you looking for?" I asked

"I don't know, something to drive Mason crazy in." She giggled

"It could be a trash bag, and he's still wanna, how did he phrase it, Eat that pussy like it's his last meal..." I said, with a chuckle.

"Oh my God he said that to you?" Emma said blushing and giggling and I nodded

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