Chapter 10

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Jennifer's P.O.V

I have had the day from hell because of Matthew...coming to me all I am sorry...I miss you...I love but I told him where to go and I swear if I run into him today again I may hurt him. He needed to jsut back off. I was so sick of him. At lunchtime, i went to eat my lunch outside to avoid people and saw Kellin leaning up against his car. 

"Good, I was hoping you had the same lunch hour i did," he smiled. I felt better just seeing him. I made my way over to him, wrapping my arms around him. 

"You just made my shitty day better." I said.

"Shitty day? what happened beautiful?" he asked, cuddling me in.

"Matthew." I sighed "he has been harassing me all day." I added sadly.

I felt him clench up and his voice went to stone.

"Where is he?" he asked.

"Kellin don't it will just make things worse." I said looking up at him

"Jennifer, i need to protect you..." he said.

"But HE is 17, you are not... its big trouble for you to say anything..." i said.

I didn't want him getting in to any trouble over me.

"Fine, fine, but if he keeps bothering you, we can go to the police or you can just go to your principal..." he said.

"Ok I promise...if he does leave me alone I will get it sorted." I said pecking his lips

"Okay baby girl... promise?" he asked stroking my hair back.

"I promise. so how did you sleep?" i asked,

"Better than i have in a long time..." he said.

"Wow, you two really have just scraped the bottom of the barrel huh?" i heard till i saw Josh standing off to teh side.

"Josh fuck off Ok? You just can't handle that Emma has finally moved on from you to someone better." I snapped 

"Kellin and Mason are better guys than you or any of your jackass friends could ever be." I added

"You're just moving on and mad cuz matthew was cheating on you..." he grumbled, waving me off.

"I really couldn't care less what Matthew was doing." I said. I never knew about the cheating but I never wanted Josh to see the satisfaction of me hurting.

"Ignore him beautiful, fuck matthrw, you have me now..." kellin said pulling my attention back to him.

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