Chapter 5

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Kellin's P.O.V

As soon as Jen and Mason left Emma turned to me, smirking.

"You like Jen uh?" She said

"What? What makes you think that?" I said

"Because I can tell be the way you were acting around like her." She said

"She has a boyfriend!" I said.

"And?" She asked.

"She has a boyfriend! So it doesn't matter!!" I said.

"Her boyfriend is a fucking asshole, wouldn't surprise me if he we cheating on her." She said

"I know that but she is still with him isn't she?" I said shaking my head

"Yea..." she said, sadly, "but if they split, you better be right there!"

"Yes ma'am..." I said

"I am being serious." She said arms over her chest

"Fine!" I said "you are one to talk you don't even see what is right in front of you little sister." I added

"Huh?" She asked confused. I was not going to be the one to tell her that Mason liked her, that she had a great guy in her life that would be good for her.

"You got a little crush on mason!!" I said trying to spin it that way.

"What? I do not." She said

"You sure about that?" I smriked

"He is cute and sweet yes but he said it himself he doesn't wanna date and I don't think somehow I am his type." She said

"I hate to break it to you sis, and I can't believe I am saying this, you're beautiful, you're every guy's type!" I said.

"I am not..." she said.

"Yes you and Jen are the same...every guys types." I said

"Well thanks big brother but not for the good guys," she said.

"Maybe cause you always go for the assholes. Sometimes we don't see what is right in front of us." I said

"Well it's Mase... he's a friend!!" She said waving me off.

"If you insist..." I said heading to my room.

"I do!!" She called after me. Sure thing baby sister. Keep telling yourself that. I was looking forward to tonight, going out and getting to spent more time with Jennifer too. I can be a friend, no matter what. Hopefully one day she will realize she can do better than that asshole and when she does I will be right here . I didn't think I stood a chance with her but the way she looked at me I knew I did now. And she said it herself if she was single she would ask me out. But I had to be patient for sure!

Kellin to Jen: you guys r gonna love the blue moon!
Jen: I am sure we will. Thanks for inviting us
Kellin: you're welcome!!
Jen: How do I dress? What sort of place is it?
Kellin: very relaxed! A come as you are place! However you are comfortable!
Jen: Ok see you both in a few hours X
Kellin: can't wait!!

I smiled sitting my phone aside. It should be a good night for everyone.

Jennifer's POV

God I hope We got done in time. His place was a mess and he was caring for his mum. I helped as much as I could, it hurt seeing her this way she used to be so happy, confident and house proud. But his dad taking off a couple years ago, really broke her, she was completely blind sided. It was hard on Mason too, he was trying to keep himself together for the sake of is mum but he has too much pressure on him for the age he was but I get it...he loves his mum very much. We got everything tidied up and it took a couple of hours.

"I just need to make her something to eat, get ready and then we can stop by yours for you to get changed." He said

"ALright, sounds good bestie..." i said, softly, seeing the exhaustion in his face. It was another reason I got him to come stay at my house a lot to give him a break and my parents are fine with that because they know what is goiing on, try help him and his mum as much as they can. Once we were finally able to leave, we went next door to my place so i could change, and when i headed back down i could hear him talking to my parents.

"Don't worry son we will go in and check on her later." My mum said

"Thank you.... i have been so worried, she's only gotten worse, and i worry it may result in me having to put her in hospital." he said.

"Hopefully it won't come to that but Mason maybe it is the best place for her she can get the right care she needs." My mum said

"I know but I don't wanna do that to her." he said

"she lost dad already, i cant ask her to lose me too," he added.

"She isn't losing you...she is losing herself Mason, she needs proper help." My dad said softly.
"I know." He said sadly

I went over to him and hugged him.

"I am here for you bestie..." I said.

"I know." He said smiling up at me "anyway enough about all ready to go?" He added changing the subject

"Yeah, I am ready if you are," I said.

"I am..." he said managing a small smile.We said goodbye to my parents before we headed out.

"You Ok buddy?" I asked

"I will be." He said staring the car

"Alright, I'm always here for you mason..." i said.

"I know you are.. thank you." He said "I am looking forward to tonight." He added

"Me too..." I smiled.

"I bet you are," he teased, "maybe a good replacement for Matthew!"

"Shut up..." I giggled "I know you don't like Matthew but he isn't as bad as you think." I added

"I just think you can do better Jen...and it is obvious you like Kellin and he likes you." He said softly.

"You think so?" I asked bashfully.

"I do...for sure." He said

"I am with Matthew though and I am not that sort of girl that would cheat." I said

"I know you aren't and don't expect you do that! I just think Kellin would be better for you." He said

"Well thanks but I.. I love Matthew," I said even though I was trying to convince myself.

"You sure about that?" He said "you never sounds very sure." He added.

"Can we leave it please?" I said not wanting to talk about it anymore because a part of me knew he was right.

"Alright, but know no matter what you decide I am here for you!!" He said.

"I know, thanks," I said. We pulled up outside Emma and Kellin's, heading inside, just walking straight in which Emma told us to do.

"What are you gonna do if John asks you to sing?" I heard Emma ask.

"Refuse! I won't embarrass myself again!" Kellin answered her. He sings? Who knew?

"Hey." I smiled as we headed in...Kellin's eyes falling on me.

"Hey!" He said smiling widely at me

"Hey you two..." Emma smiled

"Hi." Mason said looking at the ground when Emma looked at him.

"So you ready? we can go eat dinner before we head to Blue Moon," i suggested, "The four of us.."

"I could eat." Emma smiled, Kellin and Mason agreeing. It should be an interesting night.

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