Chapter 4

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Jennifer's P.O.V

I headed back through, sighing to myself. It is the first time he and I have spent time chatting and he seemed very sweet and there was something there but I am not the sort of girl to cheat but a part of me was hoping he would text. I headed back to bed, giggling when I seen Mason was now spooning Emma...he was gonna freak when he wakes up like that. I lay down and stared at tje ceiling...Kellin run through my head.

If i was at home, i'd fix myself... but it would be rude to do that here beside two people. Ugh, I tried to jsut roll over and get some sleep. I was hoping in the morning things wouldn't be too awkward. Sleeping it off, i woke earlier than mason and emme, who were still spooning and cuddling. I'd let them be for now and headed down to get cereal and hopefully coffee. As I cam out of the room Kellin was coming out if the shower...only a towel wrapped around him.

"Oh um, gosh im sorry," i blushed, covering my eyes. shit muscle,s water, dripping... jesus...

"Morning Jennifer. " he chuckled

"Morning..." i siad moving my hand down.

"Emma and Mason still sleeping?" He asked

"Hmm...yes." i said trying to stop my eyes from mapping over his half naked body.

"You can look jennifer, there is no reason why you can't..." he chuckled.

"I don't wanna come across as some perv." I giggled

"I don't mind..." he smirked

"Well, fine, if you insist..." i blushed, before heading to the kitchen to get breakfast. I was suddenly breathing heavier that usual as I walked away from him. My god, ,matthew never made me feel this way, but with kellin, i wanted to throw my virginity in the trash. I knwo i know, a high school cheerleader still a virgin? yeah well deal with it, im not a slut. I am not saying I am completely innocent but my virginity is for sure still in tact. Kellin was making me get dirty thoughts, something that isnt a common occurrence for me.He was mysterious and sexy......

Mason's POV

i woke with a body in my arms. Jen always snuggled in when we had sleep overs, we both slept better, but when my eyes opened, that dark curly hair was not jennifers, it was Emma's.... she was laying in my arms, content and breathing softly. Oh shit! What do I? Do I wake her? Stay still? I was seriously freaking out. she began to stir, before she suddenly tensed.

"Dear god, Mase tell me thats you!" she whispered, "And not some douche from that party...."

"It is me..." I laughed

"Thank God." She giggled

"You werent that drunk, i was protective over you girls," i said as she rolled to face me.

"Thanks for looking after us." She smiled

"Your welcome. How did you sleep?" I asked softly

"Very well, the best I have done in a while." She said smiling back at me

"Good, i am glad i helped, jen always tells me she sleeps better with a cuddle buddy..." i smiled.

"Yes and she is right." Emma giggled "I hope you never minded to much at how close we ended up?"

"No not at all, as long as you're good, im good," i said, with a nod.

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