Chapter 9

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Emma's P.O.V

Mason and I were snuggled up on his bed, just chatting and suddenly I felt him prodding my arm.

"What was the for?" I giggled looking up at him

"Sorry just making sure were real." He laughed

"Making sure I was real?" I giggled.

"Yes still expecting to wake up and this is all just a dream." He said. I rolled onto my stomach and leant up pressing a soff kiss to his lips.

"Not a dream." I said

"That's good," he smiled gently rubbing my hip bones. Virgin? Yes but man he knew how to make me tingle.

"Mmm yes it is." I moaned softly reaching for his lips again.. he had such good lips could kiss them for hours.

"You gotta stop making those sounds..." he chuckled.

"I dont know what you mean." I said innocently giggling.

"Your moaning stuff, it's not fair for my virgin penis for you to make those noises?" He smirked.

"Aw baby I am sorry you want me to stop?" I said smirking back at him

"For now yes... the moaning at least!!!" He said.

"Ok I will try my best." I said smiling "but can i have your lips back please," i added batting my lashes at himm.

"Yes ma'am if you insist..." he said pulling my lips back to his. His fingers slipped into my hair as our lips moved together and I was trying my best not to moan and let me tell you it wasn't easy.

"Emma, this is getting um, very hard for me," he whispered betwen kisses.

"Yes I can feel that." I giggled "sorry I will stop." I said pulling away from him.

"No no, i just, im gonna need a cold shower after this..." he chuckled, pulling me bakc.

"Eager baby?" I smirked.

"Yes I have been waiting years for this." He said against my lips "so I am not going to stop to kissing you until I need to.," he added

"Hmm, so when we have to sleep?" i giggled.

"I am sure we can stop for that." He laughed "are you tired right now?" He added

"Nope, not ready for sleep." I said.

"Well then...until then." He smirked looking at my lips. I giggled and kissed him softly then my phone dinged. Kellin.....

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