4. Darcy

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I glance over at Georgia as she sleeps in the passenger side of my car. She was in a deep sleep. I could really kill that boy for hurting her.

The rain was really coming down. I had to hurry if I was going to make it home safly myself.

After parking my car in her driveway I walked around to the passenger side and opened it kneeling down in front of her. I didn't mind getting wet from the rain. I knew my warm apartment would keep me warm eventually. I begin shaking her trying to wake her.

"George." God how I wanted to kiss her awake. "Beautiful." She slowly stir awake. "I need your keys to get inside." She slowly dug for her house keys. It still amazed me with how much she trusted me. I stood and hurried to the door once she handed them to me. Once I got the door opened I rushed to her picked her up and carried her into the house not stoping until I made it to her room.

I slid off her shoes and socked and contemplated if I should take off her clothes, but decided against it. I wouldn't be able to handle that. I pulled the cover from beneath her and covered her body.

"See you at school Beautiful." I said then kissed her temple. Just when I was about to turn and leave I feel her hand grab my own.

"Stay. Please." She says.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"George you don't understand how hard this will be for me."

"What's so hard about you staying here?"

"You have no idea. I'm sorry Beautiful." Her hand gripped mines tighter once the thunder roared from outside.

"Please Darcy." I take my bottom lip into my mouth trying hard to fight her pleads. She pulls my hand towards her making me nearly lose my balance. "Please stay."

"If I didnt know any better I'd say your were afraid of the thunder." I tease and she frowns. Damn she really was afraid.

"What do I have to do for you to stay?" She sat up and I swallowed hard. I wanted to say allow me to have my way with you but instead said.

"Ask your parents."

"That's it?" She asked in disbelief and I nod my head. She pulled out her phone and began dialing her father's number. She put it on speaker as it rang. I try to pull my hand away because its driving me crazy with her touching me, but she holds on tighter and I smile. She could hold me all she wanted. I would never complain.
Her father picked up on the third ring.

"My baby girl, how are you?"

"I'm fine dad. When are you guys coming home?"

"It will have to be Monday baby. It seems the storm has caused a two day delay. How is the weather there? Is the storm there yet?"

"It is. It just started." I could hear the fear in her voice and my protective side for her kicked in.

"I know you don't like the thunder and lightning. Will any of your friends come over to stay with you until me and your mother gets there?"

"Well that's why I'm calling..."

"As long as it's not that Ryan guy. I'm going to kill him for putting his hands on my baby."

"I don't know if we'll be talking anymore after what happened dad."

"That's good to hear. Well witch one of your friends is there with you?"


"Really Darcy is there? Honey Darcy is with Georgia." I could hear him say. I smile over at George who had a embarrassed look on her face.

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