17. Darcy

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"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked Mr. Garrison as I took a seat at the kitchen table. He was making breakfast.

"Sure." He said a little surprised that I even wanted to speak to him. "What's up?"

"I know that its George's birthday in a few days."

"Yeah it is."

"Well she use to always talk about wanting a dog..."

"Okay?" He said and he continued to listen.

"Well I was thinking of getting her one. But of course I wanted to run it by you and Mrs. Garrison. If you guys are against it I'll completely understand. But it's going to be real tiny. It'll get no bigger than six pounds when it's full grown." There was a pause then. "So what do you think?" I asked.

"Well she'll be turning nineteen. So it is okay with me. She needs some form of responsibility around here.

"Okay cool..."

"But..." he quickly added. "You have to get the okay with Mrs. Garrison also. So once you get the okay from her you will be good to go." I turned to leave but Mr. Garrison stopped me.



"I actually wanted to talk to you." I waited for him to continue. He slowly walked around to me. It looked as if what he had to say was serious. "I know that you been threw a lot, and your pride may get in the way when I offer you things but sometimes even the strong need help. With that being said." He pulled some money out of his pocket and I was ready to decline.

"Mr. Garrison..."

"Darcy. Just take it for personal items you know? Just this once..." with a sigh I took the money. I did truly need it. Just this once I thought to myself.

"I'll pay you back."

"No need to pay me back Darcy. Besides that would be kind of hard to do without a job. Don't you think?" I hung my head and he immediately mentally kicked himself.

"Yeah well I had a job until I crashed my car. It's kind of hard to work without one."

"Yeah what is it that you use to do?"

"Delivery's. I use to be able to work whenever I wanted. Now I can't. Stupid me for crashing my car."

"It'll be alright. Everything will work out." I gave a nod.

"Thank you for this." I say holding up the cash. "Please just dont tell George. I dont want her getting mad at me again."

"You have my word." He said and I give another nod before walking away.

"Oh and Darcy. If you ever need to use my car you can. Just ask " That made me smile.

"Thank you Mr. Garrison."

For the rest of the day I kind of avoided Georgia. I had got a nap from the sleep I've lost with her being so close to me the other night. I had carried her to her room early that morning because the way she kept her body pressed to mind was driving me insane. I was trying to keep the respect I had from Mr. and Mrs. Garrison intact.

She had went to the store with her mother so that would give us some distance for a few hours. It would also give me a chance to gather my restraint. I didn't know how much longer I could continue denying her. The girl was driving me insane. The only one that's been able to brake me down. I grew hot and bothered just by thinking about it. Damn.

I stayed in the basement all day. Not even coming up for lunch. I was able to buy a few things with the cash Mr. Garrison gave me. I was laying in bed watching tv when she finally made her way down she had a deep frown on her face witch made me smile.

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