part 8

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One week later.

Alle: so are you all packed?

Britt: yes I am lets go.

Alle: ohkayy

At the airport
Text from (rye)

Rye: heey sweetheart i can't wait to see you.what time does your flight land?

Britt:11:00am your time 3:00am my time.

Rye: ohkayy.

Britt: y r you picking us up?

Rye: no.

Britt: oh😔

Rye: ya I'm busy sorry.

Britt: ohkayy well ill talk to you later.

Rye: ohkayy


Alle: are you ohkayy?

Britt: no

Alle: what's wrong?

Britt: rye asked what time our flight lands and I told him and I asked him if he was picking us up and he said no.

Alle: oh maybe he has plans.

Britt: ya but like y ask?

Alle: idk but don't let it ruin our time.

Britt: I won't come on we have to get on the plane.

Alle: ohkayy

So we got on the plane and talked the hole flight.

Our plane landed and we walk over to get our bags.

Alle: do you see your bag yet?

Britt: no do you?

Alle: uh no.there taking for ever.

So as im on my phone looking for an uber i feel two hands cover my eyes.I thought it was alle,so i turn around.and for the first time in my life I was face to face with RYE!!!!!! I SMILED from ear to ear.and I jumped into his arms.

Britt's thoughts
I wanted to kiss him so bad.but I didn't want him to pull away or mess up our friendship

Rye: hi sweetheart


rye: I know what you thought but I didn't want to not see you on your first night in London.

Britt: omg your an ass.rye I was so sad about it.but I'm so glade that you came.

And then I kissed him on the cheek,was that a good idea? Should I have some that?

Rye: wow!

Rye's thoughts
Omg she just kissed my cheek!
So i grabbed her as she started to walk away and kissed her lips.they tasted like this was the first time me meeting her and when she kissed me I just felt that I had to kiss her.was this a mistake? Was this going to mess up our friendship? I didn't know and I didn't care.

Britt's thoughts
Did he just kiss me? Yes he did so does that mean he likes me? Does he have feelings for me? Idk but that kiss was amazing.I think I'm going to have alle talk to him for me.

alle's thoughts
Did rye just kiss britt? Oh wow I really hope he asks her to be his girlfriend.she's been waiting for this moment for ever and I just want her to be happy and where are we even staying while where here?

Britt: rye what was that?

Rye: did you not like it? I'm sorry I just thought cuz you kissed my cheek that you wanted to kiss me.I'm sorry.

Britt: rye stop I liked it a lot.

Rye: you did?

Britt: ya I did

Alle: sorry to break this little love fest up but where exactly are we staying?

Rye: well if its ohkayy with you girls you girls could stay at the house with us boys?

Alle: im down.

Britt: ya im so down.let's go I'm freezing its 36° and all I want to do is in pack and get warm.

So rye put our bag in his trunk and he took us to get food.

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