part 23

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Andy: were so happy your going to be apart of the roadtrip family.

Rye: baby your my biggest fan.and I love you so much with all my heart.

Britt: (sobbing) I love you to.and boys I promise you all that I'll always be roadtrip biggest fan.

All the boys even rye tackled me to the floor and hugged that moment I felt like I had a family and it felt amazing.cuz I really don't ever have that feeling.and it sucks but that's y I moved here for a new start with my BESTFRIEND.we both needed a new start.were we didn't know anyone and we have no was amazing my BESTFRIEND got married and I'm getting married to the man of my dreams.

Britt: baby lets go to bed.

Rye: ya babe I'll be right up.

Britt: ohkayy.

Convo (rye&all the boys)

Rye: so are you guys really happy for me?

Andy: I really am mate.I really like her.

Brook: me to mate she's not like the other two she actually likes me and hangs out with me.

Jack: I really haven't talked to get.

Sonny: me neither.

Rye: oh.

Brook: yes you have we all went with her to nandos and shopping

Rye: oh ya I for got about that

Any: so what's the real problem

Jack: idk I just feel like she's gonna come between the band.

Sonny: ya me to..

Rye: no she won't.

Jack&sonny: how do you know that

Rye: cuz she was cool with me going on tour for a hole month.

Jack&sonny: ya that's true well I guess well give her a chance.

Rye: cool thanks mates that means a lot well I'm gonna go up stairs.

Rye went up stairs and so did all the boys.rye climbed in bed and rapped his arms around me and we fell asleep.

So I need to get to know sonny and jack. Cuz the boy and rye don't know that I over heard them talking.I went to go down stairs to get some water and I over heard all of them talking I can't believe that they think I'm like that.I really do love rye and I want what's best for him and roadtrip.and me or anyone can't ever take that away from him and I wouldn't want to.

The next morning

Britt: heey jack and sonny do you guys want to hang out today?

Jack&sonny looked at each other than looked at me and said

Jack&sonny: uh ya sure.

Britt: ohkayy I'll get ready.

Jack&sonny: no problem.

I went up stairs to get ready and rye was in the bathroom.

Rye: where r you going looking all cute?

Britt: im dressed normal.

Rye: well you look beautiful.but where r you going?

Britt: out with jack & sonny

Rye: uh y

Britt: ohkayy don't be mad.and don't say anything

Rye: I can't ever be mad at you and I won't.

Britt: ohkayy last night I was walking down stairs to go to the kitchen and I over heard all of you talking and I heard jack and sonny.

Rye: oh I'm sorry baby.

Britt: no its fine I'll just make them like me.

Rye: are you sure this is gonna work?


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