part 18

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So a week goes by and rye dropped the biggest bomb on me.

Rye: babe I have to tell you something.and I don't know what your gonna think about it

Britt: what is it baby?

Rye: babe come sit on the couch.

Britt: babe just tell me.

Rye: so the boys and I just found out that we have to leave were going on tour.

Britt: what! for how long?

Rye: 1 months.

Britt: WHAT!!

Rye: babe I know.

Britt: so what am I supposed to do?

Rye: babe idk.I'm sorry you can't come with you have to stay here

Britt: well yes ryan I know that.I mean what am I gonna do here with out you.

Rye: idk baby but I'll call you every night.and I'll text you

Britt: so when do you leave?

Rye: tomorrow.

Britt: ryan!

Rue: what!I just found out babe plz don't be up set we have all lets make the best of it.

Britt: ohkayy gonna go get dressed.

Rye: ohkayy baby.

So me and rye literally spent the hole day together we got coffee, then went to nandos then walked under the stars.

Rye: how was your day baby.

Britt: I had an amazing day.

Rye: do you want to go to the room?

Britt: ya I'll be right up.

Rye: ohkayy baby


Britt: heey andy can I come in?

Andy: ya come in britt.

Britt: can I ask you something

Andy: what's up?

Britt: so I know you probably don't want to hear this but idk what to do

Andy: about what

Britt: ohkayy so me and rye haven't had sex yet and I think I'm ready but then I don't know..

Andy: well I say go for it.cuz 1•were gonna be gone for one month and 2•you guys are in love we all can see y not

Britt: ya you might be right Andy.

Andy: ya I


Rye: are you coming to bed now?

Britt: yes!

So I climbed in bed with the man of my dreams.the minute I played down he started to kiss me on the lips,then worked kissing way to my neck.I closed my eyes and kissed him back.he whispered in my ear if I was ready and I hesitated at first then I told him yes I we got undressed and when I say that I mean all he took of was his boxers cuz that's all he sleeps in and I took off his T-shirt cuz that's all I sleep in.we slept together and it was so amazing me and him couldn't be any closer.rye Beaumont took my virginity and I was ohkayy with that,i fell alseep in his arms.

Next morning

Rye: baby wake up.

Britt: why

Rye: so you can get dressed and walk me down stairs

Britt: what your leaving now?

Rye: yes baby I'm leaving now.

Britt: ohkayy let me put your shirt back on.

Rye: kayy baby hurt up.

Britt: kayy im ready.

Andy: bye britt!

Sonny: bye britt

Jack: bye britt.

Brook: bye britt

Britt: bye boys see you in a month.

Rye: bye baby girl,I'll see you in a month.I will miss you so much.

Britt: bye babe,I miss you already.I love you so much to.

Andy: ohkayy come on rye we have to go!

Rye: ohkayy.

Britt: bye!

So he got on the bus then they pulled off. I never imagined me being in this big house all by my self,let alone me dating rye Beaumont.

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