part 11

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Convo (britt&Andy)

Andy: heey britt can i talk to you real quick?

Britt: um ya what's up.

Andy: so how r you likeing London?

Britt: I'm loving it tbh.its so beautiful.

Andy: so are you planning on staying or going home?

Britt: umm andy that's kinda rude don't you think?

Andy: oh I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that.I meant if you could could would you stay?

Britt: oh lol um ya if the opportunity came around then ya probably.

Andy: ohkayy.well if you need anything just let me know ohkayy.

Britt: ohkayy thank you andy

Andy left the room and he left me so confused.I really didn't know what to do.


Andy: ohkayy mate i talked to her and she said that if the opportunity came to her she would stay.

Rye: ohkayy thank you mate. That helps a lot.

Andy: your welcome mate.


Alle: um britt y do you look confused?

Britt: cuz I am.

Alle: y

Britt: cuz andy just came in here asking about how I like London and if I have the opportunity would I stay I London

Alle: well what did you say?

Britt: I told him ya.

Alle: what.are you serious?

Britt: what?

Alle: so when I leave in a week in a half your not coming back with me?

Britt: I mean if I get the opportunity to stay then ya I'm gonna stay.

Alle: wow!

Alle storms out of the now were in London and my BESTFRIEND is pissed at now I don't know what to do.I need to talk to someone.


Alle: so she wants to stay.were supposed to be BESTFRIENDS.

Ben: I mean would you stay?

Alle: idk.I have my mom back at home.

Ben: ya but you have to start your own life.and do you think its fair that you said that to britt i mean if rye asks her to stay and to be his girlfriend your gonna stop that? OH FUCK! I was not supposed to say any of that. Plz don't say anything babe.rye will kill me.

Alle: OMG!! Really im such an my BESTFRIEND.and I treated her like crap.

Alle cried in bens arms.


Rye: sweetheart are you ohkayy plz stop crying.

Britt: I just don't understand what happened.

Rye: idk either but tomorrow I want to take you out ohkayy?

Britt: ohkayy rye.but for now I just want to be alone ohkayy.

So I kissed his cheek and I went walking. Idk where I was but all I know is I was walking as I was walking I saw these two girls and they looked like BESTFRIENDS and it just made me even sadder.

Alle got back to the house and rye stopped her.


Rye: heey can I talk to you?

Alle: uh ya what's up

Rye: so what happened with you and britt?

Alle: I took a conversation the wrong way I feel really bad where is she I want to apologize to her.

Rye: she took off.

Alle: what do you mean she took let her leave on her own?

Rye: well ya I mean she said she wanted to be alone.

Alle: rye y would you let her go one her don't know what she's capable of..

Rye: what do you mean?


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