part 13

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So rye woke me up in the morning to breakfast in bed.he told me to get up and get dressed cuz he has a hole day planned.and he what he had planned was so beautiful.

Convo(everyone but britt)

Rye: so she doesn't know right?

Alle: no she has no clue.

Rye:so I want all of you to go to the castle and we will meet you there.

Everyone: ohkayy


Rye: sweetheart are you ready?

Britt: ya I'm ready.

Rye: ohkayy let's go.

So we got to the castle and I saw everyone I was so confused.I gave everyone a hug and said hi when I turned around I saw rye standing there and he grabbed my hands kissed me and then asked me to be his girlfriend.

Britt's thoughts
Should I say yes? I want to say yes I think I love him! And if I become his gf what if he asks me to stay here?

Rye's thoughts
I hope she says yes I want her to be my girlfriend.and I want her to stay here with me.I love her no I'm in love her.

Rye: so what do you say will you be me girlfriend

Britt: ummm yes.I would love to be your girlfriend.

Everyone: claps and cheers

Rye: I want you to stay here in London with me..

Britt: wait what?

Rye: ya I want you stay live here in London with me.

Britt: ohkayy...

So I'm ryes girlfriend now and I'm gonna stay in London I just hope alle isnt gonna be mad at me I really do love rye and I really think he loves me.


Alle: im so happy for you.

Britt: really?

alle: ya i am.

Britt: are you gonna stay with me?

Alle: ummm idk. Cuz my mom.

Britt: alle this is your dream

Alle: you know what your right.I think if ben asks I'm gonna stay to.

So he did ben asked alle if she wanted to stay and live with him and she said yes.... Everyone went back to the boys house and hung out until everyone passed out lol.. Then ben and alle went back to his place and I went to ryes room.and we watched movies until we passed out

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