part 28

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Convo (nurse & doctor)

Nurse: so doctor its been like a week so you honestly think she's gonna wake up?

Doctor: well I'm gonna do something that's never been done before to see if it works.

Nurse: ohkayy let's go.

So the doctor came in and idk what he did but I finally woke up.

Convo (britt & doctor)

Doctor: so brittney do you know what happened to you?

Britt: not really.

Doctor: what's the last thing that you remember?

Britt: well I remember I was at Starbucks and some girl walked up to me.

Doctor: ohkayy that's good. So apparently you were ran off the road and the police are doing everything they can to find out who did this to you. Well we have someone here to see you.

Britt: who? I thought I didn't have any family!

Doctor: you can come in now!

Rye: OMG! Babii your awake. I've been so worried about you, I have some ppl here that want to see you to.

               In came alle and Ben to see Britt.

Alle & Ben:  Heey how are you feeling?

Britt: UMMMM Do I know you ppl?


Ben: HUH!


Rye: doc what did you do to her?

Doctor: umm I honestly don't know what happened! Nurse come here.

Nurse: yes!

Doctor: she doesn't know who they are.

Nurse: wait what how did that happen? She should remember something.

Britt: ummm excuse me! Can someone please tell me what's going on?

Rye: babii please you have to remember me.

Britt: is there anything you can hand to me or pics you can show me to try and get me to remember?

So rye showed me a lot of pictures and went home and grabbed his favorite beanie and his favorite shirt and jumper.the more he shows me the more I remember more and more

Two months later

The investigation is still going I'm sill having a hard time remembering everyone is so helpful and sweet,the boys sing to me to see if I remember Alle, Ben and Rye take me places all the time... today we went for a walk and something happened

Convo (Rye & Britt)

Rye: Babii let's go to Starbucks

Britt: Ohkayy but I asked for you to not call me that.

Rye: sorry it's just so hard to not call you that when we're engaged.

Britt: I know but until I remember everything I think it would be best if we put the wedding off for a little bit.

Rye: is that really what you want?

Britt: yes just until I can remember, wait.... what's this place again???

Rye: Ohkayy, and its Starbucks it's your favorite coffee shop ever.

Britt: wait I know this table!

Rye: wait what?

Britt: Rye this table, is the table I was sitting at. The night of my accident.

Rye: wait really you remember???


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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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