part 12

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So as I was walking I ran into this weird guy he stopped and asked if I was ohkayy.and I told him ya.he asked if I need someone to walk me home.I told him that would be he did

Convo (rye&britt)

Rye: wtf!

Britt: what!

Alle: what's going on.

Andy: really mate?

Brook: uh.

Sonny: oh shit.

Jack: oh no!

Unknown guy: rye its really not what you think.

Britt: I really don't know what's going on.

Rye: really britt i thought you were different.

Britt: I am rye nothing happened.he just walked me back I talked about you the hole time.

Alle: i really have no idea what's going on....

Rye: just go home mate and alle can you just take britt up to the room plz..I'm going to bed

Alle: come on britt we have to talk anyways.

Britt: ohkayy..and thank you for walking me home.

Unknown guy: your welcome.

Alle took me up to the room.and we talked about our fight.we made up.but know Im in a hole other fight and its with the guy i think I'm falling in love with.


Alle: so who was that guys

Britt: I really don't even know like I was walking I got lost he was running by and bumped into me and then asked if I wanted him to walk me home

Alle: and that's all that happened?

Britt: well ya y would I fuck up what I have going with rye? I think I love him!

Alle: really

Britt: ya...

So I want to go get some water and rye was in the kitchen.oh god........


Rye: what r you doing up?

Britt: uh I wanted some water.are you really mad at me and are you really not gonna hear my side?

Rye: ya I'm mad but Im sorry I took it the wrong way plz tell me your side.

Britt: so when I left here I went walking.and I got lost as I was walking that guy ran into me he saw me crying and asked if I was ohkayy and he asked if I wanted him to walk me home and I said ya cuz I was lost.

Rye: oh you really don't know who he is?

Britt: no I really don't but by the way you got mad I'm guessing g you know who he is...

Rye: ya thats my brother robby.

Britt: oh wow ya I really didn't know rye.

Rye: can you stay with me tonight?

Britt: Ummmm idk rye. I don't want to do anything

Rye: ohkayy that's what do you say

Britt: ohkayy...

So me and rye went up to his room.and he can me one of his shirts to sleep in and that's all we did was sleep.

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