part 17

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Britt: rye we need to talk its important.

Rye: what's up baby?

Britt: so the other night at alle and bens wedding when you asked me if I was ohkayy and I said ya.that was a lie.I wasn't ohkayy.I was thinking about a lot that night and I was in my head.

Rye: so what r you saying

Britt: that I was thinking about how alle's mom was so for her being happy and the fact that mine isn't hurt me.

Rye: ohkayy look tonight its just me and you.

Britt: ohkayy..

We went and had a blast it was amazing.


Rye: heey alle

Alle: ya

Rye: what's Britt's and her moms relationship like?

Alle: horrible..

Rye: your lieing

Alle: rye y would i lie about this

Rye: idk so shes not really that close with her family

Alle: no she really don't have any..cuz none of them talk to this move to London was a blessing for her.

Rye: so your saying I'm like her prince charming?

Alle: no rye your not like her prince you are her prince.she's in love with you so if you don't want to ever lose her you need to consider making her your wife someday

Rye: ohkayy thank you alle.

Alle: no problem. And hey rye

Rye: ya

Alle: if you hurt her I will kill you.

Rye: ohkayy deal.

I didn't know where rye was but while I was at the house I realized that I really didn't know sonny or jack or brook so I asked the three of them if they wanted to go with me to nandos and shopping lol they said ya.dude I never really need the sonny brook and jack were so sweet there like my brothers now.and me and andy are getting really close to but he's kinda bossy and he's like a therapist lol.... He's an old soul lol...

Rye got home and asked andy where i was Andy told him that me and the three boys went to nandos then shopping.when I got home rye was in our room...
When I walked in there were rose pedals and candels everywhere it was so romantic.we had an amazing night in watching movies and cuddled I still wasn't ready to have sex with him yet I mean I was but I wasn't idk what to do....

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