25. The Attack, Part 2

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Tsukasa managed to run back to her room in tears. Inside, there is Kagami, surprised at Tsukasa's sudden entrance.

"Tsukasa, what happened!?"

"Mom... Dad... Matsuri and Inori Onee-Chan... They..."

"Calm down! What happened!?"

"It's that other group on the other side of the university! They killed our family!"

Kagami widened her eyes, and also broke down.

"Damn it!"

"They killed Narumi-San too!"

They cried for several minutes until they calmed down.

"Anything else? Do you know where the supplies are?"

"I found a sack of them inside a grate on the outside wall..." Tsukasa sniffed.

"I knew it... Somebody is indeed stealing..."

"But who!?"

"Line the ones in the courtyard up. We need to deal with this now."

All of a sudden, a girl wearing a helmet bursted through the door.

This caused Tsukasa to vengefully take her axe from her back, and raised it.

The girl waved her hands around, "Whoa! Stop, I'm not your enemy!"

"Cut the nonsense! You killed my family!" Tsukasa yelled.

"OUR family." Kagami corrected.


"Listen up! I'm just here to talk, and warn you!"

"About what!?"

Tsukasa lowered her axe down, as Kagami calmed her by patting her shoulder.

"My crewmates... They're going to attack the courtyard."

"Is it because of the supplies I found?"

"Part of it is because of that. The other one is because..."

"Because?" Kagami questioned.

"Huff... My crush, Renya... The boy who attacked you when you first arrived... He turned."

"He turned?" Kagami asked.

"Yeah... Anyway, I'm Sino Uhara... And I'm pregnant with Renya's child."

"I'm sorry, but we don't know what caused him to turn... But I remember that Shiiko-San and one of the girls in our group said that everyone is already infected." Tsukasa explained.

"Everyone? But I felt fine..." Sino objected.

"Some people had immunity to the airborne infection, but some had whatever caused this... Resting inside their bodies." Tsukasa continued.

"I... I see. But it's impossible to stop my group now. They're gonna--"

"ON THE GROUND, NOW!" Suddenly, a voice shouted out from the direction of the courtyard.

Tsukasa takes a peek from the door to see several people holding their group, and the ones from the meeting room hostage. Even Ruu.

"They're here." Sino noted.

"What are we gonna-- Onee-Chan!?"

Tsukasa gasped as she sees Kagami opening a duffel bag, inside are a pistol and a rifle.

"Stall them, Tsukasa."

"Where did you--"

"I've gone scavenging alone and found these. Now stall them, keep that guy from pulling the trigger."

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