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I woke up alone in my house. My parents and brothers are all gone. I know something is happening. They are keeping secrets from me, but what is it. Since I have np classes today I have decided to go to the council government building to get the answers I want.

Today is another beautiful day in the Republic. The sun is shining, people are having fun, families are out together. Nothing is out of place, everything is normal. So why are my parents acting weird? I see my brother Grey, maybe he knows something.


"Hey Em. What are you up to?"

I'm going to the council government building to see mom and dad."

"No! don't go."

"Why not?"

"Look Em just listen to me okay."

"That's not a good answer Grey. Why don't you want me to go there?"

"Something happened last night that has President Bishop. VP Price and the rest of the council worry."

"What is it?"

"They don't want nobody to know yet."

"When are we going to find out?"

"Don't know. Please don't go to the council government building."


"Good. I have to go."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye Em."

Grey looked worry too. He's been up this whole time. I saw little bags under his eyes. My poor brother, whatever happened last night is eating him up. I wonder where Jesse and Landon are. Do they know what's happening as well? What should I do? Should I listen to Grey, and not go to the council government building or should I follow my instincts and go?

I can't escape this nagging feeling that something is going to happen to the Republic, and no one knows about it.



"Are you okay Em?"

"No. Did your parents come home last night?"

"They came home late. I asked what they came home late, but they didn't tell me."

"My parents too, and my brothers as well."

"My brother too. What's wrong Em."

"I'm scared Avery. No one is saying anything."

"They are just protecting us." 

"I know."

"Trust them Em. They know what they are doing."

"You're right."

"I gotta go."

"Okay. See you tomorrow."


Avery senses something is wrong. Maybe Avery is right, the government is just protecting us, but from what. UGH! now people are looking at me. Okay decide Em what to do. I begin walking to the council government building.

I'm walking to the council government building to get the truth. I'm nearing the building when I spot four black TF-X cars. These cars don't show up unless there is a high value prisoner. I move behind some trees so no one will notice me. The cars stop in front of the council government building. The doors of the car open, my brothers are coming out along with a dozen law enforcement officers and a man I never seen before. What are they doing.? OMG! Who is that guy?

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