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It's after dark my parents have returned to their office. I'm still waiting for them and have been ever since I saw them with the prisoner. I don't know I should go find them. I open the door and take a peak. No one is out in the hall. Hm I wonder where everyone is. This is my chance to escape.I run out of the office only to be stopped by a familiar voice.

"Gong somewhere." I turn around to see my brother Grey.

"Hi Grey."

"Emery told us you were here."

"Where is Emery?"

"You don't need to concern yourself with that."

"What does everybody keep telling me that."

"It's for your protection."


"Why are you hear Em?"

"I want to know what you are all doing."

"This is not your problem Em."

"Why not?"

"It's dangerous for you to know."

"That's not a good answer Grey."

'I'm taking you home."


Grey dropped me off at home, then he left once again. I can't take this anymore. I want to know the truth, but my family won't let me know. Right now I need to clear my mind. I decide to go to my favorite place in the Republic Twin Peaks. I grab my camera and leave. I don't care of it's late. Twin Peaks is where I can find peace away from my family and daily life of school.

Twin Peaks has always been my refuge away from school and my family. Coming here has always been the best part of my life. The quietness, the peacefulness has always been sobering. The stars are always so big and bright and beautiful.

The lights are off on the other side. I wonder if they are hiding secrets too? I bet the prisoner came from the other side. There are so many questions I want to ask, but I know I'm not going to get the answers I want.

"Em. I left you at home." I turn around and see Grey.

"I came here to think. What are you doing here?"

I come here to think too. I know you are mad."

"I am."

"We're just protecting you."

"Protecting me from what?"

"From what's about to come."

"What does that mean?"

"Em. You have to trust us."

"Okay, but tell me this. Did the prisoner come from the other side?"

'He did Em." That's all I'm telling you."

"Thanks Grey."

"Are you coming home?"

"I'm going to stay here a bit longer."


Well at least Grey told me something useful. The prisoner did in fact come from the other side. I don't understand what grey meant about what is about to come. Why did that prisoner leave his home? This could cause a war between the Republic and the Capital Federation. Is that what Grey meant about what is to come. A war can be bad for both countries. Well I need to get home now. Later until next time.

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