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I run as fast as my legs can take me hoping Angel is home. I need to warn him before he does anything. Angel is in danger, they know what he's doing, and they know I'm lying. What if they saw me spying on them? I could be risking everything, but this isn't about me, this is about Angel and Keeping him safe.

I reach home, the lights are on, that's a good sign. I open the door, there's my love sitting on the couch. I run into his arms crying. "What's wrong baby?" Angel tries to soothe me. "They know about you." I tell him. "What are you talking about?" Angel asks me. I was cleaning my work station when I saw the lights on in the managers office. I went up there, and I saw Omar, Tobias and the manager talking about war with the Republic, the rebels, you and me they know." I sob. "We have a spy." Angel tells me. "Do you know who? I ask "Yes. Come with me." I nod. "Are you sure." Angels says yes. "Where are we going?" I ask. "To catch a spy." Angel tells me.

Me and Angel are carefully walking to the waterfront. I keep on looking back checking if the drones are following us. I see no drones in sight, but these drones are small, they can hide in plain sight. "Babe.Its going to be okay." I slowly nod. 'How do you know? These drones can hide anywhere." Angel just looks at me.

We continue on to the waterfront, me clutching Angels hand so tight blood wasn't circulating in our hands. I released a little, but we kept our hands together. We made it to the waterfront, me and Angel hid in the bushes. We heard lots of noises. I know one of those voices.

"I know that voice Angel."

"Me too."

"It's Omar. He knows which means Corbin knows."  Angel nods.

"What are we going to do?"

"Run to the boat."


"On the docks."

"What about you?"

'I'll be right behind you."


"Go now."

I run to the docks as fast as possible. I hear them shouting at us. I turn my head around. I don't see Angel. Where is he? I reach the boat and got in. I heard a loud explosion. What was that? OH MY GOD! Angel Where are you? I see someone running, people are following him. Its Angel, he's alive. Oh no Omar is chasing Angel. What should I do? I start thinking about what to do. I look around, this is our way out. I keep looking when I find a gas can and matches. I start to pour the gas on the ground. I lite the match. I wait until Angel is closer to me. Once I see he's close enough  I throw the lit match on the ground. The fuel ignites immediately. I see Angel is getting close to me. I yell to Angel. "Run Angel!"

I shout "the fire is spreading quickly." Angel is getting closer. I run to the spot where Angel is currently running too. Come on baby, you're almost here. The fire is still spreading.

"Jump Angel." Angel jumps over the fire. 

'You made it." I sigh in relief.

"Run now!" I turn around and start running.

Me and Angel are running to the boat. I look back, Omar and his military have stopped chasing us, and are only looking at us. 

"Selena. Get in." I look at Angel, and nod. I get in the boat, and so does Angel. Angel turns the boat on, and drives off.

"Where are we going? I ask Angel.

"To the Republic." I simply nod.

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