Edward Cullen

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Well here I am. New to this small town named Forks. Great. I walked down the hallway of Forks high and looked at my little sister whose going into the nineth grade. "Will you be able to find your war around the school?" I asked her. Lexi nodded and said, "Yep. Its you, who may trouble." I laughed and hugged her. "See you later. Good luck." She nodded and walked into her first class. I walked down the hall until I got to my class. Math. What a great subject to start the day. I walked in and the teacher looked at me and said, "Ah yes. You must be Alex Childers." I nodded and said, "Hi." He smiled and said, "You wanna tell us about yourself?" I looked at the class and blushed lightly. Shit. I was shy around new ppl and he wants me to tell them about myself??? "Um....not really." He nodded. "Understandable. Ok, why don't you take a sit next to Edward Cullen." I nodded and walked over to the boy he pointed out. He nodded at me and, I saw his eyes turn black. I sat still, and tried to pay attention.

Edward's POV

His eyes were a golden topaz but when I sat by him, they turned black. I wonder if he's like the Jake....a vampire. Once I heard her think that, I started to wonder. How did she know about us? Where did she lived before that she knew? She's also kind of cute. Wait!!! I'm with Bella! I shouldn't think like this but......her scent.......its.........SHIT!!!! My hand raised up and I asked, "Sir, can I use the restroom?" Teacher nodded and I was out of there. I raced off to the woods and looked for a deer. I was screwed.

Back to your POV

First day of school was over and my sister already had friends. They were already walking home. I was at my locker and felt someone by me. I looked at there was Eric whose in my Bio class. "Oh hey Eric. What's up?" "Nothing much. This weekend me and a couple other friends are going to La Push. You gunna come?" I nodded and said, "Sure. Sounds fun." Eric smiled and hugged me. I don't know what, but we clicked right away. Eric walked away and then, Edward came and took his place. "I wanted to apologized for today. I must have seemed rude." I shook my head. "No, not really. I mean, everyone has to go when they gotta go." He chuckled and said, "I guess you're right. My name is Edward Cullen." "I know. Our teacher pointed you out to me. I'm Alex Childers." He smiled. "I know." I smiled back and closed my locker. "Well is there anything that, you would like to know Edward?" He shook his head and said, "Not right now, but how about later this week, we hang out?" "Don't you have a girlfriend?" He looked puzzled. Nailed it. "Yeah but how did you know?" "Well I met her today and you seem like the kind of guy to not be single." He nodded and said, "Well ok then." "Yep. Ill see you later." "Yeah."

6 Months later

I walked down the hall and stopped at my locker. Its been 6 months since I moved here and I love it. I even devepled a cush on someone, though only his brother Jasper knew, cuz he can read emotions. I've kept my secret hidden and kept their secret hidden. Bella sorta hates me cuz me and Edward hit it right off. I closed my locker after putting in my books and saw Edward there. I smiled but he didn't. "What's wrong?" Edward frowned and whispered, "Bella....." I sighed. Lately she had become a witch and I knew it was affecting him. "What'd did I do now?" I joked. He gave a small smiled and said, "She dumped me." I nodded and hugged him. "I'm sorry. She went to Jake?" He nodded and I replied, "I think tonight you should come over and hang out." He nodded and asked, "When?" "Whenever is good for you." He smiled and said, "Be there at 7." I nodded and said, "OK."

7 PM

I just got changed into my pjs when there was a knock on my window. I opened it up and Edward come threw. I smiled and hugged him. He hugged back and asked, "Where is everyone?" "Mom and Dad went out, and Lexi it at a friend's house." He nodded and sat on my bed. I walked over to the tv and moives and asked, "What moive do you want to watch?" "Don't matter." I nodded and popped in Avatar, and layed down on my bed. Edward layed behind and and put his arm around me. I smiled and asked, "Edward?" He rolled me over and said, "Alex, know about your feelings for me. Jasper told me." I sighed and whispered, "I'm gunna kill him." Edward laughed and kissed me gently. "Actually, I'm glad that you have feelings for me. When we first met, your blood sang to me way more than Bella's ever did." I smiled and kissed him back. He rolled ontop of me and things just got heated, and Avatar went unwatched.

3 Days later

Me and Edward were secretly dating, so the school didn't know about it. Bella tried to take him back but Edward said no. Me, I was getting sick alot and Edward was getting worried. So he had Carlisle check me out. "Alex, you're pregnant." I sat there and asked, "OK, so what do we do?" Edward looked at you and said, "We get rid of it." I shook my head and said, "Nope. Our child is made from our love. I'm not getting rid of it." Edward sighed and kissed my head. "Ok. But you're staying here."

2 Weeks Later

Every bone in my body feels like it is broken. My skin drained and blood is the only thing that is keeping the color. Edward was worried sick but knew that I wouldn't give up. Only thing was, just then a painful pain went through my body and everything went black.

Alex Childers came Alex Cullen, and both her and Edward had a beautiful baby boy named Nate. Alex had the ablitly to become invisble and Nate had both mind reading and invisblity.

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