Stiles Stilinski

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Since the fire that broke out and destroyed your house and put your mother in the hospital, you had been staying at Stile's house. You had always had a crush on him, but an odd kind of crush, like you would be okay if you two stayed friends forever, and lately all you had been wanting from him was his ability to talk and listen for hours or sit in silence for hours, you just needed someone right now.
You were home alone on the couch reading when Scott dragged Stiles through the door. You looked up and felt a jump in your heart, Stiles was white as a ghost and bruised and bloody. "Oh my god Stiles! What happened?!" you ran and held up the other half of Stile's weak body. "He got in the way of a fight when he was waiting outside for me." Scott said. "What kind of fight?!" You two slowly lowered him onto the couch. "A completely human fight, just some punks picking on a younger kid, Stiles being the hero, he decided to try to help as i was bringing my mom some dinner at work." Stiles winced in pain. It was killing you to see him like this. In the two years of knowing Stiles, you had never seen him in physical pain. "Do you need anything bud?" Scott asked. "No- Im...okay, you can go i got (Y/N) here anyway." He forced a smile out.
After Scott left you didn't really know what to do. Does he want help? You didn't want to feel as if you were treating him like a baby. "I should get you some ice." You said awkwardly and hurried to the kitchen.
When you came back Stiles was attempting to get his jacket off. "Here ill help." You slowly helped remove his jacket, heart stopping every time he grunted in pain. "What did they do to you?" You asked as you saw the bruises on his arms and face. "Well, they hit me, punched me, kicked me. You know a typical ally jumping." You laughed. He shifted so that you were both facing eachother and you placed the ice on his forehead. You couldn't help but look at his eyes, his goofy smirk, his cute nose. You hadn't realized how cold the ice was on your hand, you all of a sudden dropped it in pain and glanced at your hand, it was tomato red. "Sorry, my hand is just frikin cold." You both laughed, Stiles took your hand in between his and brought it up to his mouth. You stopped breathing as he blew warm air into it. "better?" He asked. You smiled. The silence was taking over, you felt the need to break it but you couldn't think of anything to say, you could tell he couldn't either, so you both continued to stare at eachother. You all of a sudden felt him getting closer to you, so close that he was going blurry. You could feel his breath on your face now. You closed your eyes, and opened them again at the abrupt sound of the door opening.
"Hey kids- Stiles what happened?!" Mr. Stilinski asked as he walked through the door with bags of groceries. "Oh nothing supernatural, its all good dad dont worry about it." Mr. Stilinski starred for second, squinting his eyes like he had so many questions. "Ok im just going to take your word on that then." He walked into the kitchen.
You felt like you should leave the room now that Stiles's dad was home. "Im just gunna go upstairs..." you said as you got halfway off the couch but was stopped by Stiles hand around yours. "Please stay...with me." You smiled and sat back down. "You know what we should do, we should watch a really bad movie and make fun of it the whole time." As you settled into the couch you noticed Mr.Stilinski heading upstairs. "Okay what movie?" You asked. "hmm i was thinking something bad like...Spider man." You instantly playfully punched his arm forgetting he was in pain. "OWW!" He grasped his arm. "Oh my god Stiles! I'm so sorry i totally forgot!" You put your hand on his in sympathy. "ha. its ok...." He dragged on as he looked up at you. Before you knew it Stiles's lips were on yours. Stiles Stilinski that you had been crushing on for two years was kissing you, you had thought about this before. You were sure if he ever tried to kiss you, your heart would stop. But surprisingly, you felt comfortable, warm.
You opened your eyes and smiled. "Spider man it is." You said as you both giggled.

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