Klaus Mikaelson

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You slammed the door to the Mikaelson house as you stormed inside. Yet again Klaus had made a this night pointless. This was it; you were done with him, why did you even bother to think he could be capable of thinking of anyone but himself. You huffed your way upstairs, grumbling to yourself as you did. The party had gone just had you had expected. Klaus being the center of attention, and everything being about him. Which at first was amusing, Klaus being a show off was one of your favourite things to watch, but then came the women, the people throwing themselves at him. It's ridiculous really, you had promised him you were fine with everything, being friends would work. You had hoped that after you had slept together things would go back to normal afterwards, back to the flirting and teasing, but things had changed. The more you tried to convince yourself you were fine, the more you fell in love with him.

You reached your room, and pushed the door open you to walk straight to your bed and collapse down, face first into the pillows. You wanted to scream into them, anything to be able to release some tension. Anything to make you feel better about the massive waste of time it had been thinking he would ever have feelings for another person. You felt like such a child, putting all your hope into the fact that maybe one day he would love you back, how naive, this was everything you promised yourself you wouldn't do.

You lied there grumbling into the pillows, as you heard, "Why did you leave so soon?" The voice came quietly from the darkness on the other side of the room. You heard him speak, and for a split second you were startled, until the familiar accent clicked and you realised only Klaus could be so sneaky.

"Why do you think?" Your voice was muffled through the pillow but you really didn't want to look at him right now. If you did, everything you were thinking would come out, and you really didn't want to hear Klaus' excuse, "I'm just tired." You lied, trying to end this conversation.

You heard him walk closer to the bed, and were filled with mixed emotions, you wanted him closer but you also wanted him to be nowhere near you too. "If I believed that I wouldn't be stood here now would I?"

There it was, that perfect Klaus charm, that tone of voice that made you want to smile, that made everything a joke, but you had had enough of that right now, "Don't." You said sternly, quickly turning on the bed and swinging your legs over the opposite side he was stood on, "Don't come in here and pretend you care."

"Pretend?" His voice was shocked and a little agitated from your allegations, "Of course I care about you."

You stood and walked over to the window, shaking your head of all the emotions making your mind cloudy, you laughed unbelieving, "Of course you do." You said sarcastically, this charade of care had gone on long enough. You turned and looked at him accusingly, "You are the biggest load of bull I have ever met."

There was silence for a moment, and you slightly regretted saying it, until you reminded yourself who you were dealing with, the fact you had been drinking may have something to do with your braveness.

"What did I do to deserve that?" If it was anybody but Klaus saying that you may have took it for honesty, but you could hear the smile in his voice. Looking up at you saw his side smirk staring back at you.

You wanted so badly to throw something at him but you would only end up breaking something of your own, so instead you said, "Being you is why you deserved that. Being an uncaring, self-centred asshole, and not giving a shit about anybody but yourself!"

You stood for a second, catching your breath from the sudden outburst, with your heart unexpectedly feeling lighter for getting that off your chest, and even though you knew there was probably a backlash coming, you finally felt that relief you had wanted. You looked back at him, trying to figure out what he was going to do, and all you saw on his expression was his temper as he looked sternly at you. "You think I only think of myself!?" His voice shouted in his retort, "Is that really what you have believed this whole time."

You stood in shock as his expression became more emotional, "I have spent weeks trying to get over you. Weeks of avoiding you to try and make it stop, but it won't stop, I can't stop thinking about you. Every day you're in my head, blocking my thoughts and I can't do anything without you being right there. Then, just when I think maybe I could forget you and get back to business, I see you turn up to a party dressed in that." He gestured dramatically at the dress you were wearing, and you watched as he shuffled on his feet finally taking a breath and calming down. He looked a mix of exasperated and worried, and you felt the anticipation grow in the air of who would say the next word.

Unexpectedly you both said nothing, and you found him suddenly in front of you, you both looked at each other, searching each other's eyes for what you were looking for, and then you felt his hands push into your hair as he kissed you roughly. Your hands gripped onto the suit he was wearing, feeling as he forced his way into your mouth, his lips claiming you. You found yourself equally pushing back, letting your tongue search his needily, and your groans slipping between your teeth. This was something you had never had before, he was open and honest and pulling your body to his, admitting and taking what he wanted, it was fantastic, and you found yourself smiling against his lips.

He slowed the kiss, and left at trail of them across your lower lip, using his teeth to lightly bite, before he pulled back slightly and tilted his head looking down at you. His eyes seemed brighter and you could see that all the anger had left him after that kiss. You could sense he had a lot of unasked questions in his head, so you leaned your head up and kissed him gently, hoping that that would be enough to answer most of them.

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