Jeremy Gilbert

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"You know I really worry about him Amy", Elena sighed looking glancing over at me as we pulled up to school after our summer holiday, I was away for most of the holidays, but I get back to find out Jeremy had a girlfriend...all I know is her name is- was Anna, I know all about the vampires and the werewolves that live here in mystic falls, I mean I did date Tyler.... He was the one that introduced me to the supernatural world, but me, I'm just a human, boring, I know, but - "Amy? Hey are you going to get out of the car?" I opened my eyes and jumped, "oh right hey Elena, I guess I kinda zoned off again, she laughed "oh really, I didn't notice" We walked into class, "so you're still up to coming over tonight?" Elena whispered to me trying not to be noticed by Ric. "Yeah I'll see you then" The bell rung and I left for my French class while Elena left for English.That night, I left for Elena's wearing a pair of cream coloured jeans with a black singlet and a grey beanie, I got to the Gilbert house and knocked on the door, Jeremy opened it, my breath caught in my throat, wow, okay so I might have small-big feelings for Jeremy, I know he wouldn't go for someone like me, especially not when his girlfriend died 2 weeks ago, they didn't break up, she died, he still loves her, I can tell, I sighed "hey jer, can I come in?" He smiled slightly "yeah Elena's in the living room". He moved aside so I could get into the house, he put his hand on the small of my back and led me towards the living room, ""Amy! You're here" Caroline squealed as she jumped over the sofa and attacked me in a hug "I missed you to Caroline!" I said, "help me" I mouthed to Jeremy over Caroline's shoulder, he smirked "nope" he mouthed back and walked away, I scowled, "come on, me, you, Elena and Bonnie are going to watch girly movies and talk about boys" Caroline winked, I rolled my eyes"So you DO like Jeremy!?" Bonnie yelled, "Guys! Shut up he'll hear you" I whispered. "No he won't, he'll be in his room listening to music" Elena giggled. I groaned, "I'm going to get a drink" I stood up and walked to the kitchen, only to be pulled aside by someone, I gasped but a hand was put over my mouth "hey hey hey came down Amy its only me!" A familiar voice rang through the darkness of the hall "Jeremy?" I whispered, he flicked the lights on, "hi" he breathed, "wait, you didn't hear anything they said in there did you?" I blushed, he scratched the back of his neck looking at the ground "well, i-um, yeah I did" "Jeremy I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel-" I was cut off by his lips crashing onto my own, I was surprised at first but then my eyes fluttered closed, kissing him back and resting my hand on his cheek, we must have stayed that way for a while because there was a crash and the hallway door flung open and we were greeted by a high pitched squeal "GUYS THEY'RE KISSING, GUYS!". Jeremy put his forehead on mine and laughed slightly "Caroline can you give us a moment?" She groaned "Fine but I want details!" His eyes flickered back to mine, staring right into my soul, I smiled, "so.." "Soooo", he chuckled "I was wondering, if you maybe wanted to go on a date with me" I stood up straight still holding Jeremy's gaze "I would love to" His face broke out into a smile "great", he grabbed hand "well I guess we have to deal with them now" he jerked his head towards where the girls were "its worth it" I smiled as we walked into the living room

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