Damon Salvatore

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I knew it was a stupid idea and I knew he would be angry at me, but my kidnappers told me that if I did not co-operate that he would kill all my family and friends, that he'd make sure that there was no one left in the world who I loved. What else was I supposed to do? So I went to the place the kidnapper told me to, I willingly gave myself over to them, thinking that I would probably never seen any of my loved ones again, that I'd probably never see him again. But when it came to my life or theirs? I would die a thousand times over.However, just as the gun was aimed at my head, just as my kidnapper was about to fire the killing shot, his head was ripped off of his head. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. As the body fell to the floor I looked up to see his face. His eyes were wide with anger, with betrayal, he gave me a look that felt like a knife to my heart.There wasn't much time after that, there were more of them after him. He ripped out throats and hearts and in under ten minutes all seven of my kidnappers were on the floor, headless or heartless. He was not taking a chance.I felt Elena and Bonnie at my side, undoing my ropes, pressing me into a hug and crying, but I couldn't focus on that, all I could see was the look of pure, white hot anger in his eyes, his nostrils flared and his face was in a grimace or pure hatred. My eyes went to the floor. He hates me. Tears burned my eyes and I felt like someone was strangling me."Bonnie, Elena, go check and see where Stefan is, maybe there are more of them about." He said, no emotion in his voice.They did as they were told, not daring to disobey him in this mood. Soon enough we were left alone in the abandoned warehouse. Just the two of us. I couldn't look at him.There was blood dripping down my face from where my kidnapper had pistol-whipped me and I was dizzy. I didn't trust my feet so I stayed where I was on the ground.Soon enough I felt a harsh grip on my arm pulling me up.I look up at him and his anger was still white hot on his face, his ocean blue eyes were boiling hot, searing me. I couldn't help the tears that were falling."How could you do this?" He voice quiet, even. It scared me more than if he had shouted."I needed to protect everyone" I barely managed to get my words out through the sobs."What about me?!" His eyes were watering, they were so huge, his infinite blue eyes boring into mine."I was going to save you too Damon" I said, surely he knows I want to save him above all else.He let go of me violently, he turned his back on me. My head was still spinning and I could barely stand. He ran his fingers through his hair aggressively and turned back to me. The look in his eyes was sad, and painful, and I wanted more than anything to take away the hurt I felt in them."No, no. You were not saving me. You were leaving me. How could you do that? What the hell do you think that would have done to me?" His voice was thick with emotion and his eyes were watering.I looked at him, stunned. What on earth does he mean I was leaving him? I was doing everything I could just to keep him alive. Why was he so upset with me?"Damon, I was trying to protect you, to keep you alive. Why are you so upset with me?" I shouted back at him.And with vamp speed he had his hand on my shoulders and he was shaking me slightly. His eyes were frantic and the look scared me."I'm mad at you because I'm in love with you, and you were going to leave me. How could you do that? I have done everything to protect you and you throw away your life as if it was nothing? I love you more than anything in this earth and you throw that in my face by trying to get yourself killed. How could you? How could you?!" One lone tear fell down his cheek and he was staring at me intensely. My stomach wrenched and my vision blurred. He loved me? He was in love with me? Me!?"You love me?" My voice is so quiet, there are blind spots in my vision and I feel like I'm about to pass out. I didn't realise how badly I was bleeding, I'd probably lost so much blood but I no longer remember, I don't remember anything except the words he'd just confessed. Over and over in my head, I'm in love with you. I love you more than anything. I love you.And then I dropped to the floor and everything went black.I woke up to the pain in my head still pounding. I survey my surroundings and try to comprehend where I am, my vision is blurry and the light is stinging my eyes, but I can tell I am lying in a bed, a huge bed; it's soft and there are huge great big windows. I'm in a room I don't recognise.Out of the corner of my vision I see a figure more, I focus my eyes on it to see Damon getting up out of a chair."Damon" the word comes out hoarse and breathy, but he has vampire hearing so I'm sure he heard it."What happened?" I ask, my voice still shaky but I seem to have a little more control over it now."You lost a lot of blood, and you fainted so I brought you here and Meredith injected you with some of my blood. You should be better by now." His eyes were too wide, too uncertain and it made me feel nervous."You nearly died. You been like this for weeks" His voice was thick with emotion and I could see in his eyes, they were too bright, too liquidy."I'm sorry" I tell him sincerely, all I'd wanted to do was protect him, but it seemed like all I had managed to do was cause him pain.There was something itching at the back of my mind, like a long lost memory. I couldn't put my finger on it, but it was there, nagging at me."If you'd left me I couldn't bare it. There were times when you were in this bed, not waking, that I thought that I'd lost you completely. I couldn't take it. Please promise me. Promise me you'll never leave me again. I just can't take the idea of you doing this to me again. I need you. More than anything on this planet I need you."Then the memory hit me.I'm mad at you because I'm in love with you. I love you more than anything in this earth. I love you...in love with you.And as the memory surfaces in my mind I start to cry. More than anything I have loved Damon, more than anything I have wanted to protect him from pain, more than anything have I wanted him to love me the way that I do for him, and he does, and I caused him so much pain, all I did was hurt him.He has me in his arms so fast that it causes me to gasp, he pulls my face towards his chest, one arms wrapped around my shoulders and another in my hair, he rests the side of his face on top of my head and rocks me gently as I cry. We stay like this for a while, unable to move. The smell of him soothes me slightly, the hint of leather from his jacket, the always present smell of sun on his skin. It was all I could do to stop myself from wrapping my arms around him and never letting go.Eventually I pull away from his embrace and look up at him. His eyes were so clear, so pure, the square of his jaw so perfect. He was so beautiful. He was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen in my life. He was dark and dangerous, but he was protective and courageous. He was my fallen angel."Did you mean it?" I ask so quietly. I look into his eyes to see confusion there and then understanding."You remember then?" He asks smiling sadly. He looks away from me and I cannot fathom why."Did you mean it?" I repeat the question, trying to look into his eyes again, but he averts eye contact once again.After what seems like ages he looks at me again."Yes I meant it, and I know that I'm not good, or kind or the hero. I kill people and I like it, but I am trying and I am so in love with you, because even though I am every stereotype of the murderous vampire, when I am with you I feel like maybe there is something redeemable in me and it scares me and thrills me. I don't know what to do but all I know is that I can't be without you. I need you more than anything in the world because, you... who are nothing but a fragile human, can make me feel like I want to be better. When I look at you, I see everything about being human that I miss. That scares me more than anything, because you make me remember my humanity." his eyes were blazing, intensely, boring into mine like two whirlpools. The clear calmness of the blue in his eyes masked the storm playing underneath them. I sit and stare at him stunned. He is everything that I have ever wanted. The idea that I am the same to him is so inconceivable."No..." is all I manage to say.The look in his eyes goes from intensely passionate to hurt so quickly and I try to scramble for my words."No Damon, you are a hero. What you did for me back at that warehouse was courageous and brave and heroic. I still feel really shaken and my head is dizzy so I hope this comes out as elegantly as I want it to but Damon...You are the reason I am here. If you were as bad as you think you are, I would have died a million times over by now. You are constantly there, saving me, protecting me. Even when I can handle myself and protect myself you are there, making sure that I am okay. No one has ever done that for me before. You may think that you're this big bad vampire, and okay maybe sometimes you are. But to me, you are my saviour, my burning light amidst all this darkness and you are all I see. I'm in love with you Damon, past, present and future. You're everything that makes me who I am and I need you more than anything. I sacrificed myself to save you, and I would do it again and again to save you. Just as you would for me. I love you Damon and I can't promi-"Before I could finish what I was saying lips were on mine, smashing against mine with a power and urgency that I had never felt. I felt dizzy once again although this time I'm sure that it isn't because of the pain in my head.I felt like I was going to faint again and his arms wrapped around me, securely, unbreakable. I was so scared and happy and burning for him."Damon I feel like I'm going to faint." I stare up at him with fear in my eyes. He looks down at me his ocean blue eyes as clear as ever."Do you trust me?" He asks softly, pushing the hair that had fallen into my face behind my ear."Yes" I said instantly.He pulls me out of his arms slightly, and pulls his wrist to his mouth, for a brief moment I see that red veins pop up and his fangs come out, he rips into the soft flesh of his wrist and blood starts to pour. He then holds it out to me."I don't think Meredith gave you enough, I told her to give as little as possible, I didn't want you to turn, I didn't want you to become like me..." he said it not in a way that made me feel like he didn't want to be with me, but in a way that made me feel sad, he didn't want me to become the way he thinks he is.I press my palm to his face."You are so much better than you think you are." I say and then I take his wrist and lift it to my mouth.He breaths in quickly as I start to drink the blood from his wrist, and his eyes close as he draws me closer to him, I drink for a while, the taste is oddly sweet, even with the coppery taste. The more I drink the better I feel, the pain in my head subsides completely and the dizziness I felt earlier has vanished. He pulls his wrist from me and smiles."How you feeling?" He asks pressing his palm to my cheek."Fine" I say, raising the sleeve of my shirt to my face to wipe the blood from my mouth, but he stops me.He presses me down on the bed and pushes himself on top, he kisses me softly, slowly, I the taste of his blood in our mouths and something inside me clicks.I pull his face closer to mine and kiss him faster, more passionately, and he responds softly, not quite meeting me. I press him harder against me as he gently brushes his hands down my sides." He looks me in the eyes for a second, debating on what to do, he then seems to decide and He presses against me again, softly and kisses down my neck, trailing slow, light kisses across the bare flesh. Something wet dropped on to my cheek, and I lifted my hand to wipe it off. I look back up at him and I see that he is crying and I don't understand why but I am also tearing up."I love you, I love you so much" he cry against me.It was the strangest feeling, but all of my emotions were bubbling to the surface and I couldn't help but crying. He pulled my against him and we sat there like that, crying, unable to speak, but knowing that we were feeling the same thing, an unconditional love that neither of us could fathom into words.

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