Isaac Lahey

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When you pulled up to the school in your Cadillac, you parked next to your friend's Stiles car, where him and his new girlfriend Malia were. They are just so adorable. As you got out, Stiles saw your eyes were red rimmed from crying once more about your lost love, Isaac. Stiles being the good friend pulled you into a warm hug, and you sighed, because it felt nice to be comforted.When you broke away, Malia was glaring at you, and you instantly looked at the ground.                 "Uh, I'll, uh, get to class." You stuttered. You walked away, but you knew Malia was seething. Malia, turned towards Stiles, and looked at him hard in the eyes. "I'm sorry, but she was upset." Stiles said to her. She let out a huff of breath before walking off. Malia couldn't believe that you and Stiles had feelings for each other. She was just waiting for the day where one of you will confess your feelings to each other, but that day will never come, because you don't like Stiles like that. You have known him since kindergarten, and you will never feel anything romantic towards him. The mere thought just makes you cringe.You sat in your english class doodling in your notebook, and you replayed the memories that you had with Isaac. He was capable of making you cry and laugh at the same time. You loved him, but he left with Chris Argent to France, and you seriously doubt Isaac would ever come back. Isaac was safe away from this town, so why would he come back just for you. You had all these doubts swarming your head, and you never really paid attention to any of your classes, and your grades really showed that, but you didn't care. Not one bit. You were worrying about Isaac, and you could care less about anything else. You just wanted him back.You made your way to lunch, where everyone was. You sat down next to Stiles, and Malia glared at you, but you just shook your head. You had no idea why Malia disliked you so much. You were only half way paying attention to the mindless chatter, but your mind was somewhere far away. So far away, you didn't even realize that lunch was over. You only realized this, when your group were waiting for you. You blinked your eyes and shook your head to clear away the thoughts, and you got up to join them.Later that day you were all in a clearing in the woods, including Malia, who kept shooting glares every time Stiles would ask if you were okay. Every time the answer was same, you just nodded your head. Everyone knew there was a change in you once Isaac left. Everyone except Malia. You had lost weight from not eating as much, your grades plummeted, and you have been sleeping less and less, and everyone was worried about you. You were just a shell. Your parents were concerned, but they never really bother with you."Okay, for now everything seems to be quiet, but we have to stay prepared and ready for everything." Scott said firmly. Everyone nodded their heads, and he half smiled when he saw your's bob slightly. He was just glad that she actually acknowledged him that he said something. "We have to be alert, we have to have all of our numbers." Scott informed. "Including me." A voice she recognized so easily. her head whipped up, and her eyes met Isaac's and the first first she smiled since he left, broke out onto her face, breaking the solid ice composure you normally have. Tears glistened in her eyes, and the next thing she knew, she wrapped up in his arms, and she was clutching on to him for dear life."Isaac, oh god!" she sobbed, with her voice cracking. "Sh, I know, (Y/N). But I'm here now, that's what matters. I'm here." he whispered. He went to pull away, but she just let out a strangled cry, and clung onto him as if he was my life preserver in the middle of an ocean. She jumped up and he supported her weight, and held you up. She buried her head into his neck, and just held on to him.Malia was shocked at the scene that evolved before her, but she suddenly felt bad for being so mean to her, because she was truly heart broken from Isaac leaving the country. She also noticed that this was the first time she had smiled in five month. She only had eyes for Isaac.

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