Scott McCall

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It was the fourth time in a month that you've missed school and the fifth time you threw up that day. Morning sickness was kicking your ass, but luckily it was almost noon; it usually died down around that time.Usually being the keyword. There were days where you couldn't hold anything down, but thankfully it wasn't too frequent.You walked out of the bathroom moaning with discomfort and carefully crawled into bed. As you pulled your comforter over yourself to curl up under it, your cell phone began to vibrate on the pillow beside you, alerting you that you've received a text messages.
[Scott:] I haven't seen you in school today. You sick again? :(
[Mia:] Yeah. I just finished puking. The tally is now up to 5 today.
[Scott:] I'm so sorry you're sick, baby
[Mia:] It's okay. It's worth it.
[Mia:] I'm gonna try to get some sleep, it'll pass soon.
[Scott:] You're right. :)
[Scott:] Ok. Text me if you need anything. Sleep well.
[Mia:] I will
(Scott) I love you, Mia
[Mia:] I love you, too.
You set your phone aside on your side table and curled up in bed, still feeling nauseous but it was gradually beginning to fading away. It didn't take long before your eyes closed and you drifted off to sleep, all while praying you wouldn't abruptly wake almost throwing up on yourself like you did last week and on Scott the week before last.It didn't seem like much time had passed when you felt yourself waking to soft lips pressing against your forehead. Slowly your lids parted open and to your surprise Scott was sitting beside you on the edge of your bed, smiling sadly.
Baby, what are you doing here?" I said.
He brushed some pieces of your hair away from your face to get a better look at you. "After we texted I felt really bad you were here alone and sick, so I brought you some soup. I don't want you going through this alone." Scott said.
You smiled faintly and pushed yourself up to sit in bed.
"Scott, you didn't have to leave school, I'm fine." I said.
"I know I didn't, but I wanted to. I wanted to take care of you," Scott said and his hand reached over and delicately rubbed over your slightly swollen stomach.
"the both of you." Scott said with a gently smile
You put your hand on top of his and felt your heart skip as your eyes met one anothers. It amazed you as to how loving and supportive Scott was, especially since you were both seniors in high school and expecting a baby together.When you found out you were pregnant three months ago it obviously terrified you. Not only were you going to be a teenage mother, but you feared Scott would be a cliché and bail, deny the baby was even his and abandon you. That never was the case. Time and time again Scott proved you wrong in every way. He wanted to make sure you were comfortable, went with you to every doctor appointment and even rubbed your feet when you didn't need it. He wanted to make sure you were being taken care of.It boggled your mind to see how lucky you were ending up with someone like Scott. He was perfect and treated you like a queen. Some days you felt you didn't deserve him, but he always managed to break you away from that mindset and show you how worthy you were of such love and devotion.
"I love you, Scott." you whispered softly.
He smiled as he leaned in and gently pressed his lips to yours.
"I love you, too, Mia." Scott said He grabbed the hot bowl of soup he had set aside on the side table and held it in front of you while he filled the spoon.
"Open up." Scott said.
"Are you trying to feed me?" I said and you could help laugh at how cute he was being.
"I need my practice. Might as well start now." Scott said and He smiled innocently with a slight shrug to his shoulder.
"Now open up."

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